We return for another media blog, with the focus this week being on the fine crew over at Dork Tales!
The Spotlight
To coincide with the successful M20: Lore of the Traditions Kickstarter we currently have running, Dork Tales have only just begun a fantastic Mage: The Ascension actual play over on their Twitch channel! If you missed the first episode, don’t despair, as you can find it by simply giving them a follow! If you’ve ever wondered about how to get into Mage (which some folks do consider a dense game to comprehend), this is a fine place to start:

The Round-Up
Keep an eye on our Twitch schedule for all manner of World of Darkness games and videos taking place in February as we hit every game with a 90% sale on DriveThruRPG and Indie Press Revolution! Take advantage while you can.
If you’re not already following The Onyx Path on YouTube and Twitch, now’s an ideal time to do so. We produce a wealth of content on Twitch every week with a group of stellar partners and content creators, and much of that content makes its way to our YouTube channel too. Check it out for yourselves:
And here’s our upcoming schedule:

Don’t forget that if you’re interested in Dystopia Rising: Evolution, you can find videos exploring character creation and how to run a good zombie game right over on The Gentleman Gamer YouTube channel. Here are the links:
And the latest episode of the Onyx Path News is over on the Onyx Path YouTube channel right here:
And that’s not all! Simulacra Studios continues with the second season of Trinity Continuum: Aberrant – Atomic Youth! This wonderful Aberrant series presents the perfect time to hop on board with its newest episode. You don’t need any knowledge of the prior season to start watching straight away, so here are the first few episodes of their newest season:
The Story Told Podcast have just started a Promethean: The Created 2E chronicle over on Twitch! Give them a follow and tune in to watch one of my favourite Chronicles of Darkness lines in play.
Devil’s Luck Gaming near the conclusion of their epic Exalted: Essence actual play, which you can find on their Twitch channel (http://twitch.tv/devilsluckgaming) along with their entire back catalogue accessible via their website here: https://devilsluckgaming.com/
Do give DLG your support, as their content really is top quality.
Over on the Onyx Path YouTube channel we’ve been setting a bunch of interesting videos live, including the following!
So that’s a lot of Dystopia Risingalong with some They Came from Beneath the Sea! and Scarred Lands! Not bad at all, and excellent entertainment for anyone interested in getting into our games. Check them out and give us a subscribe!