Now Available: Curse of the Blue Nile, and V20/W20 Starter Bundles!

Curse of the Blue NileNow available in ebook and print formats from DriveThruRPG: Mummy: The Curse’s Curse of the Blue Nile

What is the Blue Nile?

An image of rare beauty and terror, fashioned of the unbound portion of an angry, deathless soul. 

A very special child who violates the natural laws of the living and the dead alike. 

An ancient sculpture that opens pathways of glory to anyone who dares possess it. 

An instrument of profound sound and meaning, drawing the ever-hungry to its prescient wave. 

To Know the Nile, Know its Curse

Welcome to the first anthology of original fiction set in the world of Mummy. With Curse of the Blue Nile, the veil draws back to reveal a host of dark glimpses into the power of a single relic… and of the lengths to which the Deathless of lost Irem will go to secure it.

Each tale is a novella, spooling out the unique nature of the Blue Nile within its encapsulated view of the world’s setting, and each story touches on a different one of the five Arisen guilds: The Alchemists, Laborers, Masons, Priests, and Scribes. Five dark turns at the wheel, helmed by the talented hands of veteran talespinners Lisa Morton, Stefan Petrucha, Malcolm Sheppard, Greg Stolze, and Mercedes M. Yardley.

Come, join us on a tour of the mysteries of the ancient, blood-soaked world.

Also now available:

The V20 Starter Kit, a discounted PDF bundle containing:

  • Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Screen
  • Dust to Dust
  • V20 Companion
  • Lore of the Clans
  • V20 Ready-Made Characters

The W20 Starter Kit, a discounted PDF bundle containing:

  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition Screen
  • Storytelling Adventure System: The Skinner
  • Rites of Renown: When Will You Rage II fiction anthology
  • W20 Rage Across the World
  • W20 Umbra: The Velvet Shadow




One response to “Now Available: Curse of the Blue Nile, and V20/W20 Starter Bundles!”

  1. Johan Avatar


    Are there any plans concerning brinng Mummy to 2nd Edition?