New Release: Demon: Interface

Now available in PDF and print on DriveThruFiction! The Unchained don’t take anything for granted. They recognize four Incarnations, based on the types of angels they were. Four Agendas, based on the types of demons they’ve become. Four Keys to the Cipher, creating a series of Interlocks. They understand all of this, but they strive … Read more

Odd Bits & End Pieces

Kind of a scattered blog this week as a lot of projects keep needing a bit of nudge here and a piece of attention there. Like, I was working on getting the page for the V20: Dark Ages Kickstarter put together (the illustration by Mark Kelly, above, is one of the featured images on the page) and … Read more

A Well-Armed Society…

…Is a Polite Society. Some of our World of Darkness games focus hard on individual character groups. You’re not really expected to worry about Prometheans beyond the players’ Throng, and Demons are too paranoid for the majority to be in an Agency. As the most Human supernatural beings, though, mages have a human response to … Read more

New Releases: Splintered City: Seattle and The Demon Seed Collection

Now available at DriveThruRPG: Splintered City: Seattle and The Demon Seed Collection, both for Demon: The Descent! Splintered City: Seattle Seattle is a fractured city, split between history and modernity. The Unchained can stumble through rifts in time and space and wind up decades in the past. Why Some failed experiment of the God-Machine? A side effect of … Read more

Lore of the Clans: Thank You

Yesterday I sent off the last redlines to the writers for Lore of the Clans, thus closing the open development process for the book. Because of the staggered nature of open development, I’ve already gotten a few drafts back, but I’m expecting to get the majority of them in October. From there, I’ll revise, kick … Read more

The Return From Nashville (By Night)

The three of us representing Onyx Path, Eddy, Matt McElroy, and myself, all got in yesterday night, so we had a chance to give the rest of the Onyx team our impressions at the meeting today. The biggest thing for us at any of the “By Night” conventions is being able to talk with a group … Read more

New Order

We’ve talked about Paths and Legacies already, so we’re past due to talk about the Orders. If Path and Legacy are broad and narrow definitions of magical style, how a mage works her magic, then it’s the job of the last axis of character definition to provide the why, when, and where. From a game … Read more

MET and Hunter Fiction on sale!

DriveThruRPG has the three new WoD MET books — Mind’s Eye Theatre, MET: The Requiem, and MET: The Awakening — on sale for $4.95 each until Sunday! Meanwhile, DriveThruFiction has the entire Hunter: The Reckoning Predator & Prey series for $1.99 each, also until Sunday!  


Thirty-seven (!!!) shirts added recently added to our RedBubble store: Onyx Path Onyx Path 2014 Scion Scion: Extras Vampire: The Requiem Blood & Smoke Art: Arson Blood & Smoke cover New Wave Requiem cover Nomads cover Ventrue art Werewolf: The Apocalypse Lost Tribe: Bunyip Lost Tribe: Croatan Lost Tribe: White Howlers Fera: Ajaba Fera: Ananasi … Read more

I Saved Against Fear This Weekend

At lunch, there were two things I wanted to talk with Eddy about that occurred this weekend; one event inside the other. The larger encompassing one was a convention I attended on Saturday in Lancaster, PA. I drove over there and after dodging a couple of barn raisings, an angry dude in an ill-fitting black suit … Read more