Reddit AMA is live!
We’ll be posting about Demon and other stuff until 4pm Eastern or we get bored.
We’ll be posting about Demon and other stuff until 4pm Eastern or we get bored.
Eddy and I had kind of a dull, business-oriented meeting. Next week though, we’re talking 50 years of Doctor Who. Pre-Thanksgiving, I’m pushing to get out various work items to try and buy time to spend with the family. A few reminders and then some thoughts about Thanksgiving, then. We are halfway through the Kickstarter … Read more
Now available in print! MTAs: Convention Book: Void Engineers: Softcover B&W MTR: Guildhalls of the Deathless: Hardcover color (premium), hardcover color (standard)
Wednesday at 2pm Eastern Time, for about two hours or until we get tired, the Onyx Path crew will be in reddit’s /r/rpg subreddit with another AMA (Ask Me Anything). The focus will be on Demon, but we’ll do our best to answer any questions which come our way. Hope to see you there! Confirmed attendees: … Read more
Hi Everybody! I figure this week I’d post a sneak preview of a piece from the upcoming Demon: the Descent. If you have been following the Kickstarter, you probably have seen the splat illo for the Inquisitor and the Destroyer. I figure why stop there…let’s show off another one. This is the Messenger Incarnation splat … Read more
We’re having a sale on the Scion RPG! The savage Titans have escaped their eternal prison to wage war with the Gods once more. Their battles in the Overworld have spilled over to ours. Armed with abilities and weapons granted by their divine parents, the Scions stand as humanity’s only defense. All Scion PDFs are … Read more
The Demon: The Descent Kickstarter to create a prestige edition of the book exploded out of the gate and was funded in 3.5 hours! Congrats to Black Hat Matt McFarland and Rose Bailey now that their evil baby is going to be all fancied up. The project already has more than 1000 backers and has … Read more
I’m not dead, just busy. If you’re paying attention to the Monday Meeting notes – and if not, why not? – you’ll be aware of a few things that we’ve got going on. First, we’re giving W20 backers a copy of Rage Across the World. We first mentioned this a couple of weeks ago, but … Read more
Hi Everybody, This week I thought I’d share a piece of artwork from the upcoming Rage Across the World which is currently in layout. This piece is by Tyler Windham and illustrates one of the mutated horrors one might find roaming around in Chernobyl. Definitely looks like Mister Bear is a tad grumpy…perhaps it’s because … Read more
The Demon: The Descent Prestige Edition Kickstarter has officially begun!