Sliding Into Summertime

This is the last week before CCP North America takes a two week Summer vacay, so Eddy and I talked about how to handle our art and book approvals during that time. My idea, that we get a free pass on anything submitted during that time, was heretical and I’m in the time-out chair right … Read more

Preview: The Chapel and the Spear

“When something’s right, then something is worth to die for. When I feel that something is wrong, then something is worth to fight for.” –The Sounds, “Something to Die For” (Bottom line at the top: <Click here for the working draft of the Lancea et Sanctum>.) A vampire always, always has something to do. But the problem … Read more

Humble Apology: Missing Author in GMC Credits

It turns out that, in the credits to the recently-released God-Machine Chronicle, we were one author shy: Wood Ingham, who wrote the creepy-as-hell fiction bits interspersed throughout the book (the series of letters between William Dear, Dear Mary, Jon, and Stephen), got left out. This one’s entirely my fault, and I have no idea how it … Read more

Yes, Virginia, there is a subtitle

As you probably know, it’s Demon: The Descent. So what now? Well, Rich gives updates on the general state of things every Monday over on the aptly named Monday Meeting Blog, but he has a lot of irons in the fire, so maybe you’d appreciate a little more direct information about Demon? Sure thing. Let’s talk a … Read more

Miracles of Modern Science

So, I’m sitting here writing this up on my new tablet that I went with instead of a laptop (for those regular readers who remember my indecision on that subject a bunch of months ago) because my cable and Internet are both down and that inevitable eventuality is a big part of why I got … Read more

One of Us was Sick, the Other: Tired.

Monday Eddy was sick, so we didn’t have our meeting. Tuesday, he was OK, so we did meet over lunch, but then I, overwhelmed by a wave of post-Exalted 3rd Kickstarter whoop-ass, just lagged out. I’m pretty sure the after effects are over, but boy, a month of that crazy Kickstarter really just drained me. … Read more