Tribal Spreads 2: For Fenris!

So, here’s an example of how we’re looking at changing format. Take a look at the following tribal spread, one featuring a tribe near and dear to my bloodthirsty heart. There’s a slimmed-down Character Creation section that incorporates Background Restrictions, Appearance has been trimmed of talk of human ethnicities, and we folded Kinfolk and Territory … Read more

Count Cho… Dracula

Meeting Notes Rich remarks on the funny Dracula bust I now have as my Skype picture. I point out that Bill gave it to me for my desk. (The picture is on the right — you can even see my bag cowering behind it.) I talk about taking a CS101 course to brush up on my … Read more

Tribal Spreads

Back to the wordage side of things. Let’s kick things off with a preview of what the tribal spread text might look like. The advantage is that you can picture Steve Prescott’s awesome art alongside this! Also, tribal glyph and such. I should note that this is probably a little too much word count. My … Read more

Fast Meeting

Meeting Notes We only had time for a quick half-hour meeting this week, so we quickly hit the high points. We’re set for GenCon. I need to get my badge, though. Justin reached out to me to do some writing on Children of the Revolution, which I’ve started on. Victorian Lost first draft layout for … Read more

Vampire Info Update

So, what’s happening with Vampire right now? • The V20 Companion is in its final compilation stages. Now that the Kickstarter funding has concluded, we’re collecting the relevant pieces of information that we offered as rewards for the tiers and integrating that into the texts. For example, I’ve written some players into a few examples of … Read more

May The Odds Always Be In Your Favor

Meeting Notes Lot of family stuff for Rich this weekend, between Easter and a bridal shower for his daughter on Saturday. We both saw Hunger Games, and we both really liked it. Rich liked the art direction. I liked the elements of the first-person perspective in the cinematography. Rich talked about a scary Rice Crispies … Read more