Now Available: Scion High!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: Scion High, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Scion 2nd Edition! Nobody quarrels like Gods. Competition between Pantheons can get… heated. Mohammed Salah, a Scion of Thoth with a doctorate in education and pedagogy, founded The Trismegistos Academic Sanctuary as an experiment: an attempt to make the next generation of … Read more


We’re back with today’s spotlight shining on the Roll to Meddle podcast! THE SPOTLIGHT Roll to Meddle is a podcast team with a lot of games under their belt. Recently they completed a They Came from Beneath the Sea! actual play, but they’ve played many more games that aren’t just by us at Onyx Path. … Read more

Episode 226: Pirates of Pugmire Actual Play

In which Matthew runs Pirates of Pugmire for Eddy and Dixie! We catch up! Video games we’re playing The game begins! We’ve been stranded Exposition and morale building Oh no! We press on after a brief interlude Crab fight! A cliff encounter Links: Onyx Path YouTube: Onyx Path Twitch: Onyx Path Discord:

Leath Sheales Has Passed Away

It’s with regret I’m announcing that long-time writer, developer, and friend of Onyx Path, Leath Sheales, has passed away. Leath collaborated with a huge number of writers and developers at Onyx Path. One of my colleagues explained this morning that Leath’s contributions heavily shaped the Trinity Continuum game line into what it is today. I … Read more

Now Available: Novas Worldwide! Plus: Pugmire VTT!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Novas Worldwide for Trinity Continuum: Aberrant! “I’d do my job better if there wasn’t someone always waiting to write fifteen news articles critiquing my right to exist. I know, I have to rise above it. Sure. But it’s hard when your name is trending, and you can’t … Read more

Media Spotlight: Pain in the Dice

We’re back with another focus on Pain in the Dice, as they’ve recently come out with a stunningly brilliant actual play. The Spotlight Pain in the Dice is a podcast that has in its short history covered a number of our games, always taking care to give in-depth reviews and breakdowns of our books, elements … Read more

YARR! Avast Ye Puppy! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Yar HAR! It’s International Talk Like A Pirate Day, me hearties! And what better way to illustrate that than to actually illustrate it with the concept art piece I drew up to send the cover artist for Pirates of Pugmire? Here’s the actual art that the immensely talented Claudio Pozas created based on that concept … Read more

Episode 225: Squeaks in the Deep Actual Play

In which Eddy runs Squeaks in the Deep for Dixie and Danielle! We introduce the game and our characters! Entering the house Exploring! Strange books, kitchens, and art RAT FIGHT More exploration Another fight! Links: Onyx Path YouTube: Onyx Path Twitch: Onyx Path Discord: