Rites of the Blood Open Development opening soon!

bloodbathAfter a bit of a lull, I now have (most) of the first drafts in for Rites of the Blood. As such, I’m starting an open development period that will last from now until June 9th. As I finish my notes on a chapter, I’ll make that file available on a new blog post with notes. However, I’ll also leave up previously uploaded files for comment during the time period, and I’ll post everything on this landing page. Readers should be able to add comments to the documents, but I’ll be the only person with edit authority.

I’ll be keeping an eye on discussion in the documents, on these blogs, and on my personal social media (Facebook, G+, and Twitter). If you have a thought, please toss them up in one of those places. I’m not trying to be exclusionary, but I can’t follow a heavily fragmented discussion on a lot of different sites, so taking the extra step to drop them on the document or in one of those spots would help me immensely. As a side note, I don’t engage in every conversation, but I will read things in those places.

I’m hoping to have the first chapter for review up sometime this week. Looking forward to digging into this manuscript!

1 thought on “Rites of the Blood Open Development opening soon!”

  1. Bring on mechanics to ritae, I’m hoping to really get a feeling for what’s been whipping up Sabbat fervor. Is it dark faith, blood magic, or a little over everything!


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