There Are New Ways To Get Our Stuff…[Monday Meeting Notes]


So, last week we announced that we’re working with these guys…


…to sell a selection of our Deluxe and Prestige Editions. These are from the original print runs for our Kickstarted projects, after we shipped all the backers their books, and we thought it better to make them available to retailers and our community than to try and sell them piecemeal at cons and such. Check out the link in the BLURBS! section, below.

If you’ve been following this blog regularly, and really you should you know, I’ve mentioned that Onyx Path is always looking for ways to get our projects to folks who can enjoy them, and that includes into sales venues and stores. But those efforts have to work with our overall business strategy and how we are set up. So right now, IPR is selling our already printed Deluxe and Prestige Editions, because that makes sense to us, and if this experiment works we hope to add more selections to their offerings.


Interior Illustration for Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition by Leonardo Albiero
Interior Illustration for Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition by Leonardo Albiero


We also announced last week that we are adding new merchandise to our RedBubble store! Specifically, we’re starting with mugs and phone cases with symbols and art on them. Just like with our mammoth selection of t-shirts, we’ll be starting with a few options and adding in new designs and choices as we can in the midst of our crazy release schedule. Full info here:


As always, please bear in mind that we are limited by the templates RedBubble has available, so it is possible that your particular model of phone isn’t represented. (We still love you, though!)

Back in our usual sales channels, it is with great enthusiasm that I can announce that the Deluxe Mage 20th Anniversary Edition is shipping even as I write this. (It is with a lot less enthusiasm that I pay the shipping bill. That book is huge, and weighs a ton, and that costs a lot to ship!)  This includes the M20 Q-Prime Ultra-Deluxe Editions as well, for those that were worried. And the M20 Screens, Dwight.


Full-page Introduction art for V20 "Black Hand" by Michael Gaydos
Full-page Introduction art for V20 “Black Hand” by Michael Gaydos


So, that kind of all brings together a lot of the stuff I’ve been hinting about lately about how we are stretching into different areas not just in terms of projects like Pugmire and Scion 2nd Edition, but into different sales venues and methods, all while getting on top of some of our bigger and tougher projects.

We’ve got a lot of amazing projects yet to come: just look at that powerful selection below in the Update Lists for the ones already in progress. But, yes, right now we are dedicated to delivering those biggies that have demanded a ton of attention through last year and were hit hardest by the slowdown tied to the WW IP ownership change.

It is happening!

Acanthus character art for Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition by Priscilla Kim
Acanthus character art for Mage: the Awakening 2nd Edition by Priscilla Kim


Thanks to everyone for their comments on last week’s MMN blog about how we take a book (or any project really) from pitch to publishing. Glad to clear up any confusion, and please feel free to direct any of your friends to the blog if they are interested or have questions about our creation process.




Here’s the link to the press release we put out last week about selling through Indie Press Revolution:



The Demon Storyteller Guide has dropped its cover and is on sale as a PDF and a physical copy PoD on DTRPG!

The Demon Storyteller’s Guide includes:

  • Expanded information on angels, including a look at how Incarnations apply to them
  • A extensive look at the spy genre and its permutations and how they apply to Demon
  • Three “setting hacks,” including an examination of Demon in the Bronze Age

Demon STG Front


Dreams of Avarice has risen from the sands and PDF and PoD versions are on sale now!

Dreams of Avarice is a personal manifesto penned by the Arisen called the Heretic. This in-character richly illustrated 6? x 9? volume exposes secrets and hypocrisies that underlie the world of Mummy: the Curse.

Dreams of Avarice



The Chronicles of Darkness Core Rulebook looms out of the shadows, and is now on sale with PDF and PoD versions on DTRPG:

Chronicles of Darkness RPG rulebook contains:

  • A guide to creating characters to explore a world of modern horror, from hopes and fears to psychic powers.
  • Dramatic rules for investigation, social manipulation, and bone-crunching violence.
  • Over a dozen monsters straight out of weird fiction and urban legend… plus complete rules for creating your own.
  • The God-Machine Chronicle, a massive collection of sample characters and techgnostic adventures.
  • Formerly titled nWoD Core Rulebook 2nd Edition.

CofD Front Screen Res


The Pugmire Early Access book is for sale in both PDF and PoD formats! Check out the beta-rules for our family-friendly fantasy game of uplifted dogs exploring a world they never made! Lord of the Rings meets Planet of the Apes, but with dogs!




Condition Card PDFs and physical card PoDs for both Chronicles of Darkness and Werewolf: the Forsaken 2nd Edition are now up dealt up at DTCards!

CofD CardsWtF 2 Cards



Gen Con 2016 planning has started. We’re starting to plan our booth demo schedule and our 2016-2017 Brochure.

Here are some cons Fast Eddy Webb will be attending! Talk to him about V20 and Pugmire and Sherlock Holmes and Oxford Commas:

  • AggieCon 47 (April 1-3, 2016, Bryan, TX)
  • ECGC (April 19-21, 2016, Raleigh, NC)
  • MomoCon (May 26-29, 2016, Atlanta, GA)


And now, the new project status updates!

DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM ROLLICKING ROSE (projects in bold have changed status since last week):

First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)

  • M20 Book of Secrets (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Exalted 3rd Novel by Matt Forbeck (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • CtL fiction anthology (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
  • Ring of Spiragos (Scarred Lands)
  • VtM Endless Ages fiction anthology (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • BtP Building a Legend (Beast: the Primordial)
  • Scarred Lands Player’s Guide 5E: Ghelspad (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)
  • Trinity Continuum Core Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
  • DA V20 Dark Ages Companion (Vampire 20th Dark Ages)
  • Trinity Continuum: Aeon Rulebook (The Trinity Continuum)
  • M20 Gods and Monsters (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)


  • Wraith: the Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition
  • Dagger of Spiragos – Pathfinder Version (Scarred Lands)
  • EX3 Quickstart (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Scarred Lands The Wise and the Wicked  (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)

Second Draft

  • Arms of the Chosen (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • The Realm (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Dragon-Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
  • Cavaliers of Mars
  • Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes (Beast: the Primordial)


  • W20 Changing Ways (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • V20 Lore of the Bloodlines (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Beast Ready Made Characters (Beast: the Primordial)
  • Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition, featuring the Huntsmen Chronicle (Changeling: the Lost 2nd Edition)
  • W20 Pentex Employee Indoctrination Handbook (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • CofD Hurt Locker (Chronicles of Darkness)
  • Scion: Alpha (Scion 2nd Edition)
  • Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)


  • W20 Shattered Dreams (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Shattered Dreams in-book stretch goals (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • W20 Kinfolk (Werewolf: the Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Beckett’s Jyhad Diary (Vampire: the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition)
  • Mummy Fiction Anthology (Mummy: the Curse)
  • DA Tome of Secrets (Vampire 20th Dark Ages)

Post-Editing Development:

  • Scarred Lands Player’s Guide: Ghelspad (Scarred Lands 2nd Edition)


  • Beast: the Primordial Core Book (Beast: the Primordial)



In Art Direction

  • W20 Shattered Dreams – Still trying to get the remaining artwork in for expansions.
  • Promethean: the Created Second 
  • Scarred Lands PG
  • Dark Eras Companion
  • Secrets of the Covenants – Last of the art should be in this week.
  • Necropolis Rio – Cover contracted
  • W20 Kinfolk – Sketches coming in… so far so good.
  • V20 Ready Made Characters – Couple of corrections on the sketches, but nothing major.
  • EX3 Backer Charms – Art notes out to artists.
  • Beckett’s Jyhad Diary – Have to read through it before I buy art for it.


In Layout

  • Mage: the Awakening Second – In progress.
  • V20 Ghouls In progress
  • WtF2 The Pack – In Progress.
  • Beast – Wrapping everything up.



  • Ex 3 core book – From RichT: Looks like the Index is coming in this week and work will move forward on the printer files for both the Deluxes and the PoD versions.
  • Dark Eras – At WWP for approval.
  • Beast Anthology – At WWP for approval.
  • V20 Black Hand – At WWP for approval.


At Press

  • M20 Deluxe Edition – finishing shipping right now.
  • Beast Screen – proofs approved, being printed.
  • Lore of the Clans LtD Edition – shipping from printer to shipper.
  • Lore of the Clans Screen – proofs approved, being printed.


Special- projects on hold in the art and production area until an external factor is resolved

  • Wraith 20 – Can’t go further until art notes come in, still being developed by Rich Dansky.
  • Pentex Employee Indoctrination Manual – Some added and amended text needs to come in.


TODAY’S REASON TO DRINK: Mage 20 is shipping and boy is that book big!

71 thoughts on “There Are New Ways To Get Our Stuff…[Monday Meeting Notes]”

  1. Gasp beast anthology and dark eras at approval, so if they are approved do I have new reading material next week maybe?

  2. Yeah, for M20, I was pitying Rich when it came to shipping the beasts, as from all of the posts that people got of the POD, yeah, it is a beast, weighing like 8 pounds. That must have been landmine prices for mr. wallet (annnnd it’s gone..) Anyway, congratulations Rich and all involved, That hurdle is over and now onto other stuff 🙂

    • Picture this: There’s a boy on a boat in a purple sky, where the air flashes like catastrophic dragons and a patch-eyed man lays a heavy hand on that boy’s shoulder and tells him “This is where the world dies, son”.

  3. Ugg… I had something to ask, but I can’t remember it now. Hopefully it will come to me.

    As a complete aside, if we are sending you a freelance submission, do you prefer the cover letter and resume combined as a single document or separate?

    Looking forward to finally seeing how the expansions on Dark Eras turned out, particularly my additions to Doubting Souls. It has been a long time coming!

  4. This is probably going to sound silly, but did you re-check the page references in Ex3 after you made the final layout changes? I know some text was hidden behind images, so I’m assuming the pages shifted a little.

    I, ah, might have had a dream about this subject a few days ago and I’d rather it didn’t become prophetic.

      • Oh good, that just leaves me with the usual recurring nightmares. I’m fairly certain you could make some sort of horrifying reverse-Beast gameline out of those.

  5. LUCY SULFATE!! /glee

    Also: I’m not very familiar with RedBubble – anybody know whether iPhone cases likely to come in the future, or is that something they don’t do? Because DO WANT.

  6. I’m excite for V20 Black Hand… But is it going to get a Kickstarter or will it just ‘drop’ into DriveThruRPG?

    Either way, I’m EXCITE! Yes I am. 🙂

    • I’ve been following Rich Dansky on Twitter, which I hope this is fine to mention but it’s a public twitter account and he’s a public figure so I assume so. He tends to tweet out when he’s doing editing or writing, or etc. on Wraith. I mean this is probably the highest level of detail he provides (, but it’s something to keep me warm at night. (Or chilled with the frigid creeping darkness of Oblivion. I’ll get back to you when I know for sure).

      Anyway, he has tweeted like that a lot more often recently. So here’s to hoping.

  7. I was wondering, I’m starting a game of crossover CofD + VtR + WtF, and I wanted to know if there’s any ETA for the “Secrets of the Covenants” book, and perhaps “Hurt Locker” too. I’m super excited!

    -A fan

  8. For Beast can I still create a Hero that blames the white, heterosexual, cisgender patriarchy for all of hir problems, or a Tyrant Beast that feeds by showing his superiority over said Hero?

  9. I just bought a Mummy the Curse prestige edition, and I never imagined I would be able to do that, thank you!!!
    Can you say what the next planned KS is?

  10. Am I the only one who can see “Derangements” in the index but when you go to the page then there is nothing about derangdments? I cannot find derangements anywhere in this book.

  11. Rich, I recall there was a discussion around figuring out how to do a Kickstarter for a traditional print run of the CofD 2e cores, and I had a thought so I figured I’d share:

    You could start with just the core for the most popular line (Requiem right?) and then add in stretch goal tiers one at a time for the next most popular line (or maybe even better, you can have people vote for the next book) that are done similarly to how the ultra deluxe editions are done for the 20th anniversary Kickstarters, where you need a certain number of backers, so you can guarantee hitting the necessary numbers for any line you add. Once a line gets unlocked you’d be able to back for just that core, so people who wanted only one book could do that, but because you need to hit minimum numbers (maybe with some padding to make sure there aren’t issues with people switching tier when a new book comes out) before the next line gets added you can guarantee everything that gets unlocked gets made.

    This might even be a viable model for doing reprints for people who’ve missed Kickstarters. And if IPR works out you have a place to put any excess stock too, so that possibly plays nicely with this.

    • So, here’s the thing to start with: we get about 10% of any given Stretch Goal amount because most pledges that raise the amount are for physical products that have production and shipping costs. Let’s say a traditional print run costs 10K for the run. We’d need a $100,000 Stretch Goal in order just to pay for printing that next CofD core book. Backers are generally not excited about goals that large and pledging tends to stall. I won’t even scare you with the print costs for any Deluxe books. The idea of a minimum is a possible aspect of a Trad print KS, though, and I’ll keep that in mind.

  12. Well, yeah, but that’s what the minimums were for. You wouldn’t try to support the next book via stretch goal money, you’d support it via direct backing to a new pledge tier. You’d just space it out so you’ve made sure you can actually cover the cost of each print run. I guess stretch goal isn’t really the right way to describe that, even though that’s what it’d look like from the outside.

    • If I understand correctly, you’re suggesting something like what the Order of the Stick Kickstarter did, right?

    • Or, to more simply describe this: if you need a minimum of 300 people buying a book to make a print run economical, you add a new pledge tier for the next core every time you hit that amount (plus some padding) for the previous core. The next line only gets added if the previous one has enough people who want a copy for it to pay for itself. And if everyone gets to vote on the next line, the lines with the most demand will get filled until (or if) you hit a line that isn’t in demand enough to be viable.

      That way each line is paying for itself, and you minimize the risk of a failed Kickstarter. You could do actual stretch goals on top of that; based on which lines are getting the most support you could prioritize new releases or add extra goodies that don’t have physical production costs, make all the books a little nicer or whatever.

        • The one downside is that doing things this way makes it hard for people who want all of the books but can’t afford to buy them all at once to get all of them. So limiting the total number of lines per Kickstarter, or if it goes very well and there’s clear demand for it, repeating the Kickstarter periodically (maybe once a year?) would make sense.

          • Interesting. 2-3 books per kickstarter may work, and it´s a fair amount of money. Maybe it can allow to fund the lines that have not its 2nd edition yet. Example: a first KS featuring CoD and VtR may also include Changeling 2nd or Hunter 2nd (or mummy, or promethean or any other), wich not only helps to fund as mentioned before, but as an important decoy by itself. Maybe a possible 2nd KS may include WtF and MtAw, plus another unpublished game and so on.

  13. Looking forward to getting my copy of Mage20 in the mail. Hopefully no one else in the neighborhood got one or the poor mailman is going to slip a disk from the weight.

    Still excited for Mage 2nd and Exalted. Signs of Sorcery moving forward means more Mage Open Development posts, which is great.

    Getting hyped for Hurt Locker too; one of my players is trying his hand at a Victorian monster hunting game using mortal rules and basically every player is using some merits and options from the Hurt Locker preview material. It’s very exciting.

  14. Should the Last of the Artwork being in Get us the PDF For Secrets of the Covenants

    We’ve lated so very long…

  15. Hello all,

    I know it’s been said that we do not yet know what the next kickstarter will be, but, do we know which ones are still planned to be kickstarted in general? Besides any X20 remaining.

    Just curious.

    • I get the feeling that future kickstarters aren’t necessarily planned out into the future with perfect detail. New CofD games clearly all get Kickstarters, and the X20 mainbooks all get them (though that is done for a while with Changeling). Beyond that I think it’s more about how many they can reasonably pull off. Rich posted on a previous Monday Morning Meeting Notes that they can do at most 12 a year, and even that isn’t really viable. So if you look at what is marked as possibly having a KS on the timeline, and then consider that’s best case and if too many of those books hit the end of the pipeline at the same time then they will likely probably not all get a KS you can sort of see what’s on the horizon, but definitely with context that it’s pretty fungable.

  16. Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates, and Good Day to all others! Speaking of Mage 20, I am very happy to report I received mine, today. And despite general worries about the condition in which they might arrive, mine was packaged quite well and suffered no injuries. For a look, check out:
    I hope others are finding their Easter Eggs (or whatever the local custom is) as I did mine, and best wishes to all!


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