Media Spotlight: A Rendezvous with Destiny

A brief but impactful media spotlight this week, on the fantastic Scion actual play series “A Rendezvous with Destiny” featuring Amelia Chisholm, William Byford, Graham Moore, and Luce Kemp. I wanted to give special attention to this actual play, as it combines a lot of things I love, with a good amount of Scion … Read more

Media Spotlight: The Domain Gaming

We’re back with some new actual plays, this time following a very strong Chronicles of Darkness theme! The Domain Gaming are currently in the midst of a Promethean: The Created 2E chronicle they really want people to hear about, and we want you checking it out. Promethean is one of those games people often admire … Read more

Media Spotlight: WIR Threads

Okay, so calling this “media” in the traditional sense is a bit of a stretch, but bear with me. I’ve recently discovered WIR (where I read) threads of roleplaying games, most of which seem to take place over on RPGnet. These threads – created by fans, players, and GMs of games – take you through … Read more

Media Spotlight: RPG Clinic

Today’s spotlight is on the RPG Clinic, a superb channel on YouTube! You can find their site right here: RPG Clinic are new but definitely worth following. They’ve shown a lot of love to two games of which we’re massive fans – Changeling: The Dreaming and Exalted – and have performing actual plays of … Read more

Mummy: The Curse Actual Plays

As I’m sure you saw yesterday, we released Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition via PDF and Print on Demand over on DriveThruRPG! Here’s the link in case you need it: In my experience with Mummy, I’ve found some folks really want to play a game but don’t have any experience with a game quite … Read more

Media Spotlight: Simulacra Studios

Time for a new media spotlight, and today we shine our beam over to Simulacra Studios on YouTube! You can find their channel right here: Simulacra Studios specialise in actual plays and are a new player on the scene, but their recent offerings have been excellent and are well worth a watch. In particular, … Read more

Deviant: The Renegades Actual Plays

To celebrate the release of Deviant: The Renegades over on DriveThruRPG, we’re posting some of the excellent actual plays and assorted videos people have made for this game! If you’re interested in getting into Deviant, these are good places to start: First up we have a character creation session for Deviant, which takes you through … Read more

Media Spotlight: The Tabletop Almanac

We’re here for a new media spotlight, with this beam shining on the Tabletop Almanac this week! The Tabletop Almanac is a website for reviews of tabletop roleplaying games (and occasionally comics), and they’ve done a wonderful job of providing detailed reviews for a host of our games, including the following: They Came from Beneath … Read more

Media Spotlight: Systematic Understanding of Everything (The Exaltcast)

For just over a year, Monica Speca, Chazz Kellner, and Terry Robinson have been diving deep into the world of Exalted, covering everything from setting and rules to playable characters and combat, and everything in between. What makes Systematic Understanding of Everything so special, is the way the hosts approach the material. Monica is one … Read more