Black Friday Deals

As mentioned on Wednesday’s release post, DriveThruRPG is running a huge Black Friday thru Cyber Monday sale, with 33% off thousands of digital products, including almost the entire Onyx Path catalog! There are a few other, more specific deals happening too: DriveThruFiction is offering 70% off several products, including W20’s Rites of Renown: When Will … Read more

Now Available: Kithbook: Boggans and Lore of the Clans Deluxe!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Kithbook: Boggans for Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition! Sometimes it’s the little things that make the biggest differences in life, and nowhere is this more evident than the boggan kith. Although they have preferred to let others glory in the spotlight, this industrious kith has worked … Read more

The Cryptocracy [Contagion Chronicle]

Matthew Dawkins here once again! In the first episode of the Onyx Pathcast we discussed the Contagion Chronicle. That discussion included coverage of the Cryptocracy: one of the “splats” in that upcoming book. The splats in Contagion are classified as the Sworn and the False, with the Cryptocrats as a proud member of the former. … Read more

Release Roundup: April 2018

April had us running around like fools (April fools, if you will) with the incredible Dragon-Blooded Kickstarter. Thanks to everyone who contributed! This month also saw: Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade part 12: Aughdeighe and Jungle Stalker (PDF) Exalted: Adversaries of the Righteous part 7: The Bloodthirsty (PDF) Demon: The Descent: Night Horrors: Enemy Action (print) Beast: The Primordial: Beast Player’s … Read more

Beast Player’s Guide Preview [Beast: The Primordial]

  Here’s a selection from the recently-released Beast Player’s Guide. Beyond the Nightmares a Beast can learn from her kin or by exploring the Primordial Dream, other members of the supernatural community spread their own brands of terror. As she spends time with other creatures, and especially if she creates Family Ties with others, her … Read more

Now Available: Beast Players Guide in print!

Now available in print from DriveThruRPG: Beast Player’s Guide for Beast: The Primordial! “You know what’s out there? No, you don’t. Stop trying to list them off. Yeah, yeah, you’ve met the vampires and the werewolves and the ghosts and so forth, but you haven’t seen a hundredth of what’s really there. Look, I’m not shaming you. I’m … Read more

Release Roundup: March 2018

It’s been a busy month for us! (But then, aren’t they all?) Alongside wrapping up the Trinity Continuum Kickstarter and launching Dragon-Blooded, we’ve released the following: Pugmire: The Secret of Vinsen’s Tomb: A Pugmire Jumpstart (print) Pugmire: Pugmire Card Set 2: Artisan Spell Cards (PDF/print) Pugmire: Pugmire Card Set 3: Shepherd Spell Cards (PDF/print) Changeling: The Dreaming: C20 Ready Made Characters (PDF/print) Exalted: … Read more

Now Available: Beast Players Guide and Night Horrors: Enemy Action!

Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Beast Player’s Guide for Beast: The Primordial! You know what’s out there? No, you don’t. Stop trying to list them off. Yeah, yeah, you’ve met the vampires and the werewolves and the ghosts and so forth, but you haven’t seen a hundredth of what’s really there. Look, I’m not shaming you. I’m … Read more

IPR Halloween Sale! 50% off!

Indie Press Revolution is running a big sale for Halloween: 50% off on all World of Darkness and Chronicles of Darkness deluxe and prestige edition products! This includes products like: Demon: The Descent Prestige Edition Vampire 20th Anniversary Edition: The Dark Ages Deluxe Edition Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition Deluxe Edition W20 Book of … Read more