Dropped Like a Stone

Way back in 2010, I wrote some additional material for The Danse Macabre. Owing to a lack of resources at CCP, this detective story campaign frame went unpublished. Somebody mentioned it on the forums recently, and I decided to go digging. This is what I found. Dropped Like a Stone Everybody loved Georgia Stone. You’re not supposed to … Read more

A lever and a firm place to stand

Welcome back to our tour of Awakening‘s Fallen World Chronicle. To the list of fora I’m now monitoring, we can add Penny Arcade’s tabletop roleplaying game thread. Hello everyone over there! So. What’s a “Yantra,” then? Put simply, when we were designing Fallen World Chronicle, wedecided to organize the spellcasting rules — every form of … Read more

New Release: Heirs to Hell

Heirs to Hell, created as a stretch goal for the Demon: The Descent Kickstarter, is now available in PDF and print on DriveThruRPG! When an angel Falls, she defects to the human race, and takes on everything that comes with that choice. All of the joy and heartbreak of humanity are hers, and that includes … Read more


. Revelations Many thanks to everyone who voted, and commented on the last post and in the satellite discussions on our forums, rpg.net, SomethingAwful and 4Chan. And even the one person posting on Giant in the Playground (like the Eye, I’m always watching). It’s exciting to see how many people are taking an interest in … Read more

I’ll Lie To You

With 71 votes, the Lie won out. So, picking up from where we left off; The universe isn’t only the Supernal, defining concepts, and the Fallen, embodying them. When mages use their Sight, they frequently see signs of corruption, warped or nonsensical symbols infecting the world. If the symbols of the Supernal Realms represent everything … Read more

Falling Down

Okay, so, “the Fallen World” won by a landslide. As most of you have noticed, the Chronicle Books are all named after the story catalyst in their respective games. Not necessarily the antagonist, but the thing that upsets the apple cart, disrupts the lives of the characters and causes a Story. The Strix throw the … Read more

Demon: The Descent updates

Between Matt, Mike, and me, things have been pretty busy on the Demon front. I’ve got to leave my office and the Internet for a week, but I wanted to provide a quick update on current projects before I do. (This is cross-posted on the Demon Kickstarter page.) Flowers of Hell, the Player’s Guide is out in PDF. I’m outlining the Storyteller’s Guide. While I’m … Read more


Forsaken Friday’s back, everyone! And it’s a long one, to make up for what I’ve missed.

As you might have noticed, I’ve been a bit busy — both with the Deluxe Book of the Wyrm 20 Kickstarter, and with finishing redlines to pass back to the writers. Let’s get started!

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