Alchemists: Mixologists of Evil [Promethean: The Created]

Look, you want updates while I’m mid-coffee, you take your chances with the post titles. Now, glib titles aside, alchemists are not necessarily evil. Mark Stone proposed, while we were brainstorming Promethean 2nd Edition (then known simply as The Firestorm Chronicle) that we should include mortal alchemists as antagonists. I had to noodle that – I knew … Read more

Sewing Parts Together: Playtests Begin [Promethean: The Created]

I’ve sent out, and received back, NDAs from a few groups who want to lend us their help in making Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition awesome. Honestly, I was thrilled by the response. Promethean has always been, to my thinking, the NWoD game that was amazing in concept but didn’t quite get the play it deserved (much like … Read more

Alchemical Recipes [Promethean: The Created]

So, it was a close vote, but Lineages won out (32 votes for Lineages, 20-some for Refinements, and one inexplicable vote for “alchemical burps”). Promethean 2nd Edition includes seven Lineages: Frankenstein, Galatea, Osiran, Tammuz, Ulgan, Unfleshed, and Extempore. But why, you might ask, is Extempore included out of alphabetical order? Well, because the Extempore aren’t properly … Read more

Time to Stitch the Body Together [Promethean: The Created]

Aw, yeah. Open development for Promethean: The Created Second Edition. We’re gonna keep this quick and dirty – I’m in the middle of running a Kickstarter at the moment, and I have to split my focus a little. So here’s the drill: Promethean 2nd Ed is in redlines at the moment. I have the first drafts … Read more

The World of Darkness, Second Edition

Hi, folks. Rose here. 🙂 Today at Gen Con, we announced something big: the second edition of the new World of Darkness. This is an exciting move for us, something we’ve wanted to do for years. (UPDATE: The wrong draft of this post originally went up. We’ve now put up the correct draft, which clarifies a … Read more