V20 Dark Ages Kickstarter: 24 Hour Warning!
The V20 Dark Ages Deluxe Edition Kickstarter begins in 24 hours, at noon Eastern Time on Tuesday October 7th. This is your final warning. Start training your mouse-clicking fingers!
World of Darkness
The World of Darkness is much like our world, but it is darker, more devious and more conspiratorial — an aesthetic we call “Gothic-Punk”. The dichotomy between the rich and the poor, the influential and the weak, and the powerful and the powerless is much more pronounced than in the real world. Decadence, cynicism, and corruption are common. Humans are unwitting victims or pawns of vast secret organizations of supernatural creatures. Vampires, werewolves, and mages (among others) struggle with internal factionalism and against other species in secret wars of intrigue for control.
The World of Darkness (sometimes “WoD”) was first developed in 1991 with the release of Vampire: The Masquerade. It has reached hundreds of millions of people through thousands of books published in a wide variety of languages, as well as via a prime-time television show, multiple well-regarded video games, and even World of Darkness-focused conventions. Onyx Path Publishing offers dozens of role-playing game, fiction, art, and clothing products for the World of Darkness, as well as helping to re-release hundreds of original books through PDF and print-on-demand.
If this sounds interesting to you, you can Buy World of Darkness products now!
Please join us on our Discord!
Vampire: The Masquerade
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Mage: The Ascension
Wraith: The Oblivion
Changeling: The Dreaming
The V20 Dark Ages Deluxe Edition Kickstarter begins in 24 hours, at noon Eastern Time on Tuesday October 7th. This is your final warning. Start training your mouse-clicking fingers!
The year is 1242. The Mongol army crushed Baghdad and then Russia under its heel, and then moved on to devastate Poland and Hungary. The Holy Roman Empire stood to war with the Papacy. The second Lombard League wielded the word of the Pope and fought off Frederick II. In the mortal world of 1242, … Read more
Yesterday I sent off the last redlines to the writers for Lore of the Clans, thus closing the open development process for the book. Because of the staggered nature of open development, I’ve already gotten a few drafts back, but I’m expecting to get the majority of them in October. From there, I’ll revise, kick … Read more
The last Clan for open development in Lore of the Clans, and we’re ending on an interesting conundrum. Today we present the Brujah, written by Alan Alexander. As usual, Alan has written over wordcount with a lot of interesting material, so I’ll have a lot hard choices on what to cut. But there’s one particularly interesting component this … Read more
Way, way back -here- I posted a little teaser and shared the names of the 13 Anathema that are going to be featured in the upcoming Dread Names, Red List V20 supplement. Well, today I’ve got a bit more substantial bit of the book to share. Originally this book was going to be a small … Read more
We’re coming down to the end of open development for Lore of the Clans. As a note, Brujah is running late, so I’ll get that up as soon as I get it and review it. But today we present the Nosferatu, written by Andrew Peregrine. Andrew is pretty much right on for his wordcount. I … Read more
Last Clan this week for Lore of the Clans! I won’t post anything over the weekend or on Monday, which should give people time to catch up before the final push. Today we present the Tzimisce, written by Joshua Doetsch. Josh is a bit under in each section. I have some thoughts on what to include, … Read more
Changeling: The Dreaming – The Kithain are heirs to Earth’s secret kingdom of faerie. And yet they are only part fae; they are forced to adopt mortal guises to survive disbelief in magic. The fae must strive to forestall the coming Winter and bring about an endless Spring lest Banality consume all and the Dreaming … Read more
Only four more Clans to go in Lore of the Clans! Right now I anticipate getting one more up this week, and the last two early next week, so the whole open development process should be done by the middle of the month. Today we present the Toreador, written by Christopher Wilde. Like with the Giovanni chapter, … Read more
Two posters were debuted at Gen Con: A V20 poster and a double-sided Scion/Trinity Continuum poster. If you missed Gen Con, DriveThruRPG announced their new capability to print posters, so single-sided versions of the V20 and Scion posters are now available! Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition Poster Creatures of the Night! An amazing montage … Read more