Mythic Tragedy: The Nabataean

Here we see the Nabataean, one of the Children of the Revolution penned by Mummy developer C.A. Suleiman. Thematically, I love this guy. He exudes a mythic feel that’s perfect for an elder vampire, and he does it without being an uber-character who can blow something into splinters by looking at it. He’s also tied … Read more

ChilRev: Azrael

Below, you’ll find Azrael, a black metal musician whose concept came directly from the comments section of previous blog posts (thanks, Paul Smith!). Eddy took the core concept and cleaned it up a bit for publication, then I went through and made a few adjustments to take into account the greater directions of the book. … Read more

Vampire Info Update

So, what’s happening with Vampire right now? • The V20 Companion is in its final compilation stages. Now that the Kickstarter funding has concluded, we’re collecting the relevant pieces of information that we offered as rewards for the tiers and integrating that into the texts. For example, I’ve written some players into a few examples of … Read more

V20 Prestige Print Run

If you haven’t heard yet, we’ve got news regarding the V20 Companion. In particular, we’re using Kickstarter to help finance a prestige print run of the book. Response to the limited Grande Masquerade edition of V20 was so positive, and we heard so many times that players wanted to be able to find other limited-edition copies … Read more

ChilRev: Siring in "Interesting Times"

A little more of the work in progress, this time from the introduction that looks at clan culture as it relates to Embraces in times of revolution. Assamites The Assamites play both sides of Revolution to the hilt. Some of their most lucrative contracts for assassination come in domains in the midst of rebellion, power … Read more

ChilRev: Lados

Okay, friends, let’s take a look at the first vampire to emerge from the fires of the revolution. In this case, we have a Greek general who made his fortune in the wars of the diadochi, after the fall of Alexander the Great, whose empire spanned “the known world” and whose death left a power … Read more

ChilRev: What’s Next?

We’ve had the outline for Children of the Revolution up for about a week now, and we’re seeing some good submission material. I always expected some good ideas to come from the V20 Open Dev crowd, but I’d like to congratulate you guys on the quality of the writing in the submissions, too! Usually, an … Read more

Children of the Revolution Outline

Children of the Revolution is a rogue’s gallery of those Embraced “in interesting times,” to use a euphemism. In times of upheaval and turmoil those who join the ranks of the Damned can’t help but be shaped by the chaotic events around them. The transformational disruption that occurs in the world remains indelibly with the … Read more