Demon Eve

Let’s get this big announcement out of the way first: the Demon: The Descent Kickstarter for the Prestige Edition will start at 12noon EST on Tuesday the 12th.

Phew! There, I said it. It’s gonna happen now.

As we have done with our KSs so far, this Kickstarter is not for the creation of the book but for the traditionally printed edition in addition to the PDF and PoD versions we’ll make available through DTRPG. Demon:The Descent is on its third proof, and should that be cool then we’ll send a copy to CCP for approval and another to our Indexing expert to create a delightful index for the book. Meanwhile, the KS will be happening and hopefully you folks will find some of the Reward Tiers cool, and the way we’re providing you with info about Demon compelling. So, for those of you who have asked: no, we will not be releasing the PDF during the KS as we’ll still be getting the book approved and indexed during that time.

We think we have the KS set up so that I’m going to be a lot less directly involved (thank you, oh god of KSs), and Rollickin’ Rose Bailey and “Black Hat” Matt McFarland, Demon: The Descent developers, will be available to answer questions and generally be very much involved as the folks who best understand and can explain the depths to our latest nWoD game line.

Eddy and I spent most of our lunch conversation talking about the 2015 schedule and what projects he, as V20 developer, would like to do. I’ve had similar conversations all last week with our devs about their proposals for their lines. Not going to go into any details here, as the whole schedule needs CCP approval and I’m not ready to submit it yet, but we did make up this stupid song parody:

Lucita/Moncada…it’s a wonderful phrase!

Lucita/Moncada…ain’t no passin’ phase!

Make of that as you will.


And Take of These As You Will:

– Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle (VtR) One more piece of art coming in, cover art finalizing, in Layout. Here’s a visual teaser though:

– Mummy the Curse – The MtC Ready Made Characters Pack  PDF has been sent out to backers- we’re gathering comments on the PDF- like all Onyx Path backer rewards from Stretch Goals, this will later be available in PDF and PoD formats on DTRPG. Cursed Necropolis DC is being finished up by the writers.

– Exalted 3rd Edition:  While John hunkers down to rewrite the Charms chapter he is also changing some of the ways he’s been doing these to enable more to get finished, the rest of the team is working on a couple of EX3 chapters that continue to be finalized for Editing: I did not yet get an Update for this from the Devs in time to include here, will edit when I do. Both  EX3 novels as well as Zub’s EX3 Comic are in progress, Zub’s script is done and cover elements are up for review, and the EX3 Music Suites are being scoped out. Just FYI, John had to return to the doctor today for more tests as his neck is still hurting.

– V20 Hunters Hunted 2:  Getting ready for the trucks to the three different shippers it is going out to backers from with W20. HH2 Fiction Anthology text is in editing.

– V20 Anarchs Unbound is in layout and we are still putting the pieces together for its KS, but that’s been delayed until after the Demon KS (see above).

– Deluxe Werewolf 20th Anniversary Edition: On trucks waiting to get the HH2 DEluxes loaded and then off to the three different shippers handling getting the books to backers. The Heavy Metal Deluxe W20 prototype was approved and they are slowly assembling and binding the books by hand. Mike Lee is submitting chapters of the W20 “Houses of the Moon” novel to Bill for dev review. Bill has the W20 Anthology stories in layout.  Jess Hartley has submitted the White Howlers Tribe Book to Stew Wilson for development notes, and the W20 Cookbook is done in editing and back with Stew for review- just FYI: Stew is out at an almost 2 week long conference for his day job, so progress on all these items has been slowed.

Deluxe Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition has Phil is wrapping up the last sections of the book. Reviewing full pages in b&w first from Mike Kaluta. Check out our continuing M20 art blog by Mirthful Mike Chaney:

– W20 Changing Breeds  Sent out the Kickstarter backer PDF in the month we estimated delivery, as well as links for the wallpapers and classic WtA PDFs. We will gather those comments and fixes once Stew gets back from his conference. The Changing Breeds Fiction Anthology is being contracted by developer Jess Hartley, but some things have changed here that I’ll discuss with backers this week.

– W20 Rage Across the World: In layout. The PDF will go to Deluxe W20 backers first as an appreciative gift for their patience, and then up on DTRPG.

– Guildhalls of the Deathless (MtC) the PDF is live on DTRPG. The PoD files were not approved, so we fixed them and the approved Premium Color version proof is on its way to me, still need the Standard Color version approved and proofed.

– Conventionbook: Void Engineers (cMtA) is available as a PDF on DTRPG, and like Guildhalls above, it has an errata thread on the forums- let us know if you find anything.

– W20 Book of the Wyrm is being art directed and is layout. Three names: Spencer, Ellis, Rebner.

– V20 Rites of the Blood: is in editing, art finals rolling in.

– Under the Darkening Sky (classic Dark Ages): In editing. Done being art directed.

– Trinity Continuum:   We now have a whopping big Aeon outline and a Trinity Continuum Core Book outline and writers are writing. Systems discussions with the Scion devs have been loud and impassioned. There is now a spirit of cooperation and common ground moving towards system ideas being hammered out. John Snead, Aeon developer and writer has already started sending material to Ian for review.

 Scion: Systems discussions with the Trinity devs have been hot and heavy. See above.

– Demon: The Descent: 3rd proof correx are in, and we’ll be submitting to CCP for approval as well as getting the files to an indexing expert. Demon Quickstart PDF is free on DTRPG and the PoD version is Now LIVE. The Demon: the Descent Kickstarter campaign goes live at 12 noon EST on Tuesday the 12th. Why, that’s tomorrow!

– Hunter: The Something About Monsters: All but one of the writers is through redlines and into finishes. Because he was already done with his section, Matt McElroy asked David Hill to help with the development and help bring this book home.

– Book of the Deceived (MtC): First drafts are coming in to CAS, who is red-lining away. Red-lining is the stage where the developer makes notes in the writer’s text for changes (called red lining because a red pen was used originally to mark up the paper manuscripts).

– nWoD: Dark Eras: Writers are writing.

– V20 Dark Ages: Scribes are scribing. Check out the discussion on the WW Forums and these very blogs.

– DtD Players Guide: Flowers Of Hell?: Being written at a grey and oppressive border crossing as a siren faintly wails in the distance.


Reason to Drink: Today is Veterans’ Day in the US. A toast!

13 thoughts on “Demon Eve”

    • It’s in there. If you liked the Mummy one, you’ll like this. If you didn’t like the Mummy one, you won’t like Demon’s Screen either. Tastes vary.

    • Certainly something to consider in a weird, consumer mascot driven version of a Scion world maybe. Years after we finish the main books of course. 🙂

  1. I’m starting to suspect that people don’t know this is the Monday Meeting blog post.

    Anyway, this week feels strangely slow, despite the Demon KS coming up. Looking forward to throwing money at that in about two hours. Also looking forward to the next Exalted update whenever it comes up.

  2. Good news for Demon. You do a great job and the french community thanks you.
    But i have a question. Not about Demon but Scion.
    In the Schedule there is no Deluxe Kickstarter Edition? It means no Deluxe version for the new Scion Edition, or the Schedule may change?
    For a new edition of the Core Book of Scion, it woulb be awesome to see a Deluxe version.

    I apologize if i made some english faults.

    • Assuming that Kickstarter is still as it is now and still is such a great venue for community building and project enhancement, then yes we will be doing a KS for Scion and the Trinity Continuum too.

  3. Great game and intriguing systems! I love the nuances involved. Doesn’t really deserve the title “Demon” as much as ‘The Matrix: Playing a renegade Agent’. But meh. I won’t be getting this item – the preview released text was enough for me. But, if you can tolerate the “God Machine” without nightmares of Mr. Anderson haunting your cortex… I can’t deny the obvious amount of work, superb imaginings, and content the book delivers. Sadly, the Matrix isn’t for me. Cant wait to see this same depth in upcoming projects.

  4. Except for the Forum Changeover post, none of the stuff that was posted in November seems to be included in any Category. The last Monday Meetings aren’t in the Monday Meeting Category. The Demon Kickstarter posts aren’t in the Demon Category. If you check Mike Chaney’s posts, you can’t see his Blood&Smoke Art Blog. And none of those things are in the November 2013 archive.


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