Exalted 3e Deluxe Kickstarter: 24 hours left!

(This update is reposted from the Kickstarter page: Update 36: One Day of Glory Left)

How could this month have flown past so fast?

One day left for this amazing, record-breaking, KS-busting, crazy fun-house of a Kickstarter! We’ll be saying this again, but its never too early: we are awed by the support and devotion to Exalted from all our backers that this KS has demonstrated.

In the last 24 hours, here’s what we’re doing:

  • I added a Custom Charms Compilation PDF and a Chibi-style Bookmarks Set to the Add-ons section.
  • The description for the Retailer Reward Tiers has had the Screen and the Map added to the rewards. If you know a store owner who needed some incentive to get Deluxe EX3s into their store, let them know that these extras were added.
  • I’m going to add US and non-US Reward Tiers for a Reward that combines the EX3 physical book, the Screen, and the Map. And I’m adding similar US and non-US Reward Tiers for an “Everything Reward” that has all those and the complete set of classic Exalted PDFs.
  • At 12 noon EDT we’ll make live 2 more limited Reward Tiers: 10 more Custom Charm opportunities, and the chance to have your character be described and illustrated as the Example of Character Creation that typically shows up in Chapter 3.
  • For Stretch Goals, we are going to push for the +5% Pay Bump to the creative team next, and then either the Ready Made Characters or the addition to the EX3 Comic of multiple pages Full-Page Art from famous comic book artists.

And like I mentioned last time: PLEASE check your pledges as the hours tick down to be sure you have all the details the way you want them. We want everybody to look back on this last month as an absolute blast- and don’t want sad faces because the wrong button was clicked on your KS page.


  • We passed our Project Goal in 18 Minutes…fully funded in 18 minutes!
  •  We have raised over 1000% of that Project Goal so far.
  • The Deluxe Exalted 3rd Edition Kickstarter is now the #1 highest backed tabletop RPG KS and Onyx Path‘s highest funded KS evah!
  • 3991 wonderful Backers- thanks to all of you folks for supporting us!
  • 264 crazed Backers for the Orichalcum Ultra-Deluxe EX3 Edition: looks like we’re going to print this gorgeous thing!
  • Your pledges have passed 23 Stretch Goals, which give you as backers theAnathema Character Toolkit, a new EX3 Novel written by Jess Hartley and featuring our sig character Novia, a new EX3 Novel written by Matt Forbeck, a set of 5 Chibi-style Bookmarks by Mel Uran, a recording of John and Holden expounding on their plans and dreams for the future of Exalted, an EX3 Retrospective PDF book, EX3 Quickstart, the EX3 Music Suite, the EX3 Fiction Anthology, an Infernals and anAbyssals Preview, a set of Charm Cards, and the option to pledge for both the EX3 Storytellers’ Screen and the Ex3 Cloth Map. You have increased the book’s art budgetSorcery and Martial Arts sections, and added three silk ribbon bookmarks and gold foil lettering on the spine so it’ll look even sweeter, made sure that the next two books are in glorious color, and you gave the creative team a much appreciated pay bump, and have enabled us to bring John and Holden to GenCon to represent for Exalted.
  • Previews: the Dragon-BloodedInfernalAbyssal and the Liminal Exalted preview PDFs and the Developer Recording are all live and the feedback has been greatly appreciated by the Devs.

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