Today I did an interview with The Gentleman Gamer, in which we discussed Beast: The Primordial, Chill, and, of course, Promethean 2nd Edition. Have a look! I know it’s long, so get a snack.
Today is also Sunday, and therefore I pose this question to you: Would you like my next open dev post (on Tuesday) to be about Refinements, or Disquiet and the Wasteland (they’re linked topics, you see)?
(Short and sweet today.)
Oh god I am so divided…
But I vote Disquiet and Wastelands! Curious to see the changes made to them and how can you have a stationary chronicle as a promethean.
Hearing you answer my questions was awesome.
First off…I really wish I could bring myself to say Refinements, as I have been looking forward to seeing what you’ve done with them but I can’t walk past Disquiet and the Wasteland. They are too big to pass on.
So Disquiet and the Wasteland it is then.
Thank you, oh Master of Dark Head Wear for asking our humble opinions
Yeah, I’d agree with that. Disquiet and the Wastelands are just too juicy to pass up on.
It’s gotta be Disquiet and the Wasteland. Treatment of those effects is the most important element to revising Promethean and making it from the best game not many people play to just plain the best game.
Disquiet/Wastelands for me.
If anything, they’re even more important issues than Refinements.
Disquiet and Wasteland, dear heavens, yes, that!
Tough one…I’ll go with Wastelands / Disquiet, but I won’t be sad if it’s Refinements.
Disquiet & Wastelands. After watching Gentleman Gamer i’m really interested in hearing how wastelands contribute to the “torches and pitchforks” environment of promethean.
I’ll say Refinements, but they’re both interesting to me.
Augh! So many difficult choices…. Ummmm… Disquiet and Wasteland please and thank you!
Disquiet and Wastelands.
Damn you again for so difficult choices. Wasteland and Disquiet(will get to refinements one day).
*i’m never going to win that one am I?*
I vote for making those inhuman human Alchemists playable because humanity is way overrated. Prometheans who achieve humanity would quickly want to become Promethean again.
Yes, any sane human would want to be a misshapen freak, forced to never stay in one place and instinctually hated and feared by polite society.
…That is not an option in this poll. And contradicts the premise of the game, as stated in the Buy-in blog post.
Promethean is humanist, of you want to play a transhumanist game both MtAw and DtD are the best nWoD lines suited for it, though literally all other NWoD games can run with it in theme. (Ordo Dracul is based around that, for example)
OK, what you’re asking for is not going to happen. I mean, to be clear, you can do *whatever you want* at your table, and (as I think I said in that video, actually), if you’re playing and having fun, I’m happy for you.
But we’re not making the game you’re asking for. We’re making a game about Created beings who are attempting to become human. If you don’t want to play that game, that’s fine! Take the game, cannibalize it for whatever useful bits are there, take the alchemist rules, add in the Integrity system from the GMC rules revisions (which are free to download, remember), and run and awesome game about alchemists.
But that’s not Promethean: The Created, which is the game we’re making.
Yeah, what HE said!
Seriously, I’m kinda sorry that you had to post that, Matt. I’ve said it before (and doubtless shall say it again…) that I love Promethean: the Created for what it is, but I ALSO love it for what it’s becoming. No one needs to agree with me, of course. I am, however, glad that the DEVELOPER of the game and I agree on the point!
I really don’t get it. NONE of the World of Darkness games posit that being a monster is better than being human and, in a horror game, why would you?
Where did all these transhumanism fans come from suddenly?
My vote goes to Disquiet/Wasteland. Thanks!
Promethean always seems to bring them out.
Voting for Refinements. I’m really curious about Phosphorus, while Disquiet and Wastelands were touched on in the interview.
Oooh, Wastelands! Yaas!
Also: really dug that interview. Some great little tidbits about Beast (interest level: rising!), and I really like your ethos and style.
(AND Giovanni Chronicles 4 was one of my favourite oWOD supplements, too! :D)
Disquiet and Wastelands, nothing else is precisely as much of a defining feature of the game and little else is as controversial. So I’m eager to see what has been done to perhaps open the game up a bit more while keeping its soul intact. (Small pun)
My main questions are about how the initial internal animosity between Created and Demiurge gets reflected by the progression of practicing a Refinement and the Pilgrimage itself, and if there are mechanical rewards for activating that relationship, one way or another. I also want to know if any thought is being put to tying affinities to given Refinements to Lineages. Perhaps we may see some manner of tiered Bestowments as a kind of personal Refinement, i.e.: Ulgans having more facility with their quasi-spiritual nature, Nepri having some Medium-esque abilities, or Frankensteins being able to exploit being a composite creature, beyond learning to replace damaged parts?
I just want to add that Promethean is by far my favorite of the nWoD games
I found that the theme of the game succeeded, better than any of the others, to do the mood of the nWoD justice.
Ah, I just love it.
Wasteland & Disquiet! I’m hoping for some big changes that make things more streamlined.
The alchemy themes are one thing I love about this line. I’m curious to hear whats new with these, in particular.
Disquiet and the Wasteland.
Refinements, please. They are on of my favourite parts of Promethean.
TL;DH (too long, didn’t heard)
Disquiet and Wasteland.
I vote refinements, please
Both seem apealing, but I’m opting for Refinements.
Disquiet and Wastelands, please.