- Closing Submissions for Review – Submissions sent to us after July 31, 2016 will not be considered for the core rulebook. While Open Submissions for Onyx Path itself will not close, I need to make this a cut off date so I can formalize the team for the core rulebook. Once again: Open Submission will not close; this is my internal cut off date, so if you planned subbing do so now. I will and do plan on hiring and training up new writers, but I have to balance open submissions against our existing cabal of freelance writers so I can deliver the core rule book per the schedule I’m firming up. There may be other opportunities in the future for the line, but right now my primary concern is the core rulebook.
- Gen Con 2016 – I am a Gen Con Industry Insider this year along with Eddy Webb, who you know from the Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition line and Pugmire. I will be at some Onyx Path panels as well, and have one or two slots scheduled in the booth plus, plus, plus I’ll be talking about my work on “Doubting Souls” from Dark Eras.
- Planning Phase Coming to a Close – Working through the kinks, as I want to be crystal clear about my instructions. I have been scrambling to clean everything off my desk prepare for the show, in part because I have two other cons in August. I will be at World Con 2016 this year in Kansas City, and I am booked solid for that show, too. Plus, I’m also doing a local convention called Geek*Kon as a guest as well, and I want to come back after Labor Day and hit writing/editing/development hard.
Since I have approximately three weeks of travel in August, I’m not going to be able to pick up OpenDev right away until I have more news. My goal is to use OpenDev as a way of vetting certain aspects of the system we need to revise, but also I am keen on ensuring that the setting bits sound and remain authentic. I feel that, of all the game lines, Hunter is the every player’s game and I want to take advantage of OpenDev to get feedback like I did in the past. Having said that, I know that whatever I do will not make every fan happy and really, that’s not feasible. My goal is to do the best job I can in order to create a game that many different types of players and Storytellers can get something out of, while remaining true to Hunter: The Vigil‘s origins and legacy.
That’s all for now, as I do have to hustle if I want to survive August. Later!
If I submitted in late April and haven’t heard back yet, should I submit again or am I safely in the pool for consideration?
The pool is ongoing for all developers. Your submission will be considered.
When submitting the NDA, is it permissible to submit each page of it as a separate file? I am having difficulty locating a scanner that I can use, and my library told me to just use my phone to get the picture, but I’m not sure whether that would be acceptable for Onyx Path.
I’m not entirely sure how digital signing works. Is printing the form out and signing it, then scanning it valid?
Alternately, it should be okay if I just use the old form I sent years ago?
Most PDF viewers have a “sign” or “signature” button. Using that will digitally sign something so it can no longer be altered, and also some additional encoded information to verify your identity.
Rich will have to add his thoughts on whether or not printing/signing/scanning would be acceptable.
oh- I actually signed digitally using a wacom. Should I send again?
One more question: Can I show this off or anything? Link it on the forums, put it on my tumblr, that kind of thing? Or does it need to be SOOPER SEEKRIT?