Episode 295: Go, Go, Reprints!

In which we talk about our current crowdfunding initiative, the Reprint Repro-a-GoGo! Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPathOnyx Path Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/theonyxpathOnyx Path Discord: https://discord.gg/5uckcBk

Go Go to GoGo! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Even if you have to teleport! With almost a week in, our IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign Reprint Repro-A-Go-Go! is a bit over 300% funded (we hit funding the first day) and we’re looking at having nine days left of our mini-campaign to get three of our books reprinted! So far, we’re thrilled that a bunch of … Read more

Now Available: Icons of Rage

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Icons of Rage for Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition! Every Garou has a story. Some stories are brief. They unfortunately end with an inexperienced werewolf rushing in to face more than they can handle. As the Apocalypse approaches, these stories are depressingly common. Most stories are … Read more

Reprint Repro-a-GoGo is now LIVE!

We’re all out of the traditionally-printed copies of several of our core rulebooks from previous crowdfunding campaigns. So we’re going back for more! This should help us fund a new print run for: The books have all received minor edits to fix a few errors we’ve noticed over the years. If the campaign exceeds expectations, … Read more

[Scion: Dragon] Companion Preview

Time for an intriguing preview from our upcoming Scion: Dragon Companion! The Companion introduces the Flight of the Returning with the following introduction: The Returning The Returning all stood astride the earth (or curled around it, or slithered upon it, or swam in its seas) as members of other Flights. They gathered with others according … Read more

Rockin’ the Reprint Repro-A-GoGo! [Monday Meeting Notes]

First off, here’s me telling you that our REPRINT REPRO-A-GOGO crowdfunding campaign on IndieGoGo starts tomorrow, Tuesday the 16th, at 2pm EST! You can use this link to the Pre-Launch Sign-Up Page before then to get signed up for reminders: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/reprint-repro-a-gogo/coming_soon Wooooooooooooooooo!!! Last week, I mentioned that this is a very different kind of crowd … Read more