Anthology Ahoy! [Promethean: The Created]

Hey, sorry about the hiatus. Here’s all the Promethean news that’s fit to print: Last week, Michelle wrapped up editing of the Firestorm Anthology. This anthology is a little different from the ones for the God-Machine Chronicle and Vampire, and for the upcoming ones for Werewolf and Mage, because unlike those lines, Prometheans doesn’t have a surplus of existing fiction to draw on. Also, … Read more

The Ides of December [Monday Meeting Notes]

  This was us all last week, charging from meeting to meeting reviewing the upcoming 2016 White Wolf project schedule ideas. We were determined to get all the suggestions together (and thanks for your outpouring of ideas in the comments of last week’s MMN Blog) in order to have a “first-pass” schedule ready for discussion with the line … Read more

Reddit AMA

It’s that time of year again! At 6pm EST tomorrow (Wednesday) we’ll be running an AMA (Ask Me Anything) on reddit’s /r/rpg subreddit. Apologies for the lateness. Our focus will, of course, be on the Wraith20 Kickstarter, so we wanted to schedule it around Wraith developer Rich Dansky’s schedule (his day job keeps him busy!). … Read more

Dec 5 Open Dev Roundup

In case you missed any, open dev posts from the last week include: Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition: Ephemera Promethean: The Created 2nd Edition: The River of Death Cavaliers of Mars: Beasts Wild and Strange

Beasts Wild and Strange [Cavaliers of Mars]

Cavaliers of Mars is influenced by the kinds of older fantasy and historical fiction of various eras that I’m so fond of — you’ll find some Jack Vance rubbing shoulders with some Arturo Perez-Reverte, just for starters. From Vance and Clark Ashton-Smith, particularly, comes the haunted landscape of a dying world that’s more wistful than … Read more