
Hello once again! Legacies is currently ranked in first place on last week’s poll, with roughly two-thirds of the vote. Unfortunately, we’ve hit a particularly busy time behind the scenes, with multiple books requiring sustained attention, so I don’t have time to take the couple of hours necessary to explain the new Legacy mechanics for … Read more

Back in The Saddle Again

  That’s a cowboy and a vampire. I dunno why, but post Gen Con my brain looks like this inside. Of course, I am also one full week without my “precious magic go juice” Coke Zero, which I stopped drinking to see how my body would react. The answer, so far, is poorly- but since … Read more

Acolyte Merits and Rituals – Secrets of the Covenants Open Development

Hey, folks. I said there’d be more to come after Gen Con, and here’s the first of it. Open development is back, with Secrets of the Covenants! Secrets is primarily a book of artifacts that give you an inside look into the covenants, but also includes Merits, rituals, and so on that give you more … Read more

Gen Con panel audio is up!

Due to the issues we’ve had with displaying PowerPoints in the past, which Rich talks about during the panels, we didn’t do any this year. As such, the three panels have no accompanying video or imagery. Thanks to Eddy Webb and Dave Brookshaw, who recorded the audio. August 16th, 10am: What’s Up With the New … Read more

Forum issues

We’re having some trouble with our forum software, so the forums will be unavailable for the time being. In the morning Rose and I will dive in and see if we can’t fix things up. More information when we have it. Our apologies for the inconvenience. Edit: We’re back.

New Release: Gauntlet of Spiragos

Onyx Path and Nocturnal Media proudly present the first Scarred Lands product in ten years, the Gauntlet of Spiragos, now available on DriveThruRPG. For centuries, titans bestrode the world, colossal heads and shoulders lost in the clouds, carelessly smashing and crushing all beneath. When the youngest of them had enough and declared war on their … Read more