V20 Dark Ages: Introduction

Hi all, I’ve been sharing a lot of clan, bloodline, discipline, blood magic, rules, et cetera. But today, I wanted to take a slightly different direction, and share the last thing I usually write for a book: the introduction. I feel these sections are very important, because they set the tone for the rest of … Read more

Falling Down

Okay, so, “the Fallen World” won by a landslide. As most of you have noticed, the Chronicle Books are all named after the story catalyst in their respective games. Not necessarily the antagonist, but the thing that upsets the apple cart, disrupts the lives of the characters and causes a Story. The Strix throw the … Read more

Demon: The Descent updates

Between Matt, Mike, and me, things have been pretty busy on the Demon front. I’ve got to leave my office and the Internet for a week, but I wanted to provide a quick update on current projects before I do. (This is cross-posted on the Demon Kickstarter page.) Flowers of Hell, the Player’s Guide is out in PDF. I’m outlining the Storyteller’s Guide. While I’m … Read more

New Release: Rites of the Blood

Advance PDF now available from DriveThruRPG! In the deepest crimson depths of their being, raw power waits to be brought to the surface. Through their force of will, Kindred can drag this power kicking and screaming into the open to perform miraculous feats and twisted blasphemies. These rituals have been developed to direct and focus … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Clever Phrase Using the Word, “Merit”

Developing, editing, improving upon drafts based on input, developing, editing, improving, blah, blah, so on, so forth. Right now, I’m focusing heavily on polishing “bumper text” which is the lead-in text before every chapter gets into its meat. That takes a little more work than you might expect, because you’re often trying to blend styles, … Read more

Punchdrunk on Kickstarter Juice

Although in this art from V20 Rites of Blood, the Advance PDF of which is coming this week to DTRPG, I have a hunch the liquid being served isn’t punch. Last week, I mentioned that I’d like to talk more about some of the principles I’d like Onyx Path to hold to, but with all the … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Laibon

Hi everyone! I wanted to share something a little more substantial today, since I’ve been hard at work in the word mines, trying to get this book wrapped up and sent over to art/layout. The Laibon are a weird bit of Vampire: The Masquerade history. The various editions have had conflicting versions, stories, and treatments … Read more


Forsaken Friday’s back, everyone! And it’s a long one, to make up for what I’ve missed.

As you might have noticed, I’ve been a bit busy — both with the Deluxe Book of the Wyrm 20 Kickstarter, and with finishing redlines to pass back to the writers. Let’s get started!

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Addicted To Mysteries

Mage: The Awakening is a big game. It’ll be nine years old this August, and despite the second-largest product line of the new World of Darkness, we haven’t yet revisited everything in that great big turquoise corebook. Over the years, Awakening has developed into a distinct voice from its big brother Ascension. We’ve explored the … Read more