Anarchs Unbound Deluxe Kickstarter is live!

The Kickstarter for the Deluxe Edition of Anarchs Unbound is now live! Vampire: The Masquerade’s Anarchs Unbound takes the bomb-tossing, rabble-rousing vampire revolutionaries of the Anarch Movement and updates them as one of the most energetic and fast-growing sects, gaining ground as they use technologies and mortal agents to advance their agendas in the modern nights. With the Movement … Read more

Anarchs Unbound Kickstarter Warning!

The Anarchs Unbound Deluxe Edition Kickstarter will go live at 12 Noon EST on Wednesday January 22! To answer common questions: this Kickstarter is for deluxe editions only. The standard book will get made regardless of the outcome, and the production of the standard edition doesn’t depend on the Kickstarter.

Lonely Together

Happy New Year, everyone! Blood and Smoke came out last month, and the reception has been amazing. Thank you to all of you who bought the book, and especially to those of you who assisted in the open development process. Since Blood and Smoke didn’t include any bloodlines for space reasons, writer David Hill and I decided … Read more

“Hack”, “Cough”…Really, 2014?

So I have a chest cold. I’m hacking and coughing while typing this, and my sleep has been pretty limited these last few nights so I find myself zoning out even as… Yeah. Like that. What was I saying? Right, I’ve got a cold. Which is pretty rare for me these days, but this one … Read more

Hunter: The Vigil FREE

Today (Friday) only, we bring you the Hunter: The Vigil Rulebook for FREE! This concludes our free rulebook offerings. Happy New Year, and we look forward to everything we’re bringing you in 2014 as we enter our third year at Onyx Path Publishing! Did you know the “Hunter: The Vigil” title was first revealed to … Read more

Lots Going On

It’s an exciting time to be W20 developer: seeing the books I’ve helmed out on the virtual shelves of DriveThruRPG! We released a glut of books at the end of the year, though with many people celebrating over the festive period they might have flown under the radar. Here’s a recap of what’s come out: … Read more