Sorcery and Necromancy

Picking up momentum, here’s Chapter Four, covering the blood magic of the Assamites and the Setites, as well as the various takes on Necromancy of the Giovanni (as well as minor nods to other Necromancers). Matthew turned in a fairly clean draft, although I was more diligent on cleaning up his British English this time … Read more

Punks and New Agers and Hacktavists

A lot of interesting and passionate discussion of the chapters thus far! A few quick notes: I want to remind folks reviewing these drafts that these are very early drafts — not only do I generally expect moderate-to-heavy rewrites of entire sections at this stage, but also these chapters are reviewed a number of times … Read more

Thanks for Waiting

Seriously, thanks for waiting until I had both time and head-space to get the notes together. Eddy and I talked on Memorial Day, so I was treated to seeing him in his study as he had the day off from CCP. We talked a lot about the Open Dev Process, which he was diving back … Read more

Exalted Third Edition Mechanics Overview

The following is a summarized list of major notable mechanics changes in Exalted Third Edition, intended to give an idea of the scope of the edition’s rules overhaul. It is not intended to be exhaustive or all-inclusive — it does not, for example, mention that the Defend Other action is returning with only slight tweaks. Base System Basic … Read more

New release: Mage Translation Guide

Get it from DriveThruRPG! Twenty Years and Counting… Add the Traditions in your Awakening game, or bring the ten Arcana to Mage: The Ascension. Pit the Seers of the Throne against the Technocracy for dominion over the world, and let your Nephandi call forth the Abyss. This guide will help you translate the feel and … Read more

Prologue and Introduction

After some debate, I’ve decided that I’ll toss up my edits to the drafts, but I’m not going to post my comments to the writers. I tend to have a very direct development style, and by the nature of this process I’m going to be giving the writers their feedback after open development is closed, … Read more