Werewolves and There Wolves.

Just back from Atlanta by Night. Had a great time there- it was half talking to fans about White Wolf projects and the Onyx Path and half talking to old friends in and out of CCP. Here are the results of Justin’s live outlining session for V20’s Anarchs Unbound: http://whitewolfblogs.com/v20/2012/10/01/open-development-anarchs-unbound-live-outlining-session-results/ It was a fun session … Read more

Open Development: Anarchs Unbound Live Outlining Session Results

The community outlining session of Anarchs Unbound at Atlanta by Night was a massive success. The group of players in attendance had a nonstop stream of great ideas, which we added to my basic skeletal outline. I didn’t know what to expect going into this Open Development session, but the assembled players certainly didn’t disappoint. … Read more

Now in Print for September 27

These books are all newly-available via DriveThruRPG’s Now in Print program! Classic World of Darkness WTA: Gurahl MTAs: Guide to the Traditions CTD: Kithbook: Pooka HTR: Hunter Book: Judge DTF: Demon Storytellers Companion

A Tad Bit Late & A Tad Bit Short

So we did actually have a Lunch Meeting this week, on Tuesday, and I’m actually rushing to write this up on Weds night before I head out Thursday to the airport and fly down to ATL for Atlanta By Night, the convention that has replaced the Grand Masquerade this year. This last week has been … Read more

Seeing in the dark

Been eight years since Vampire came out. I’ve been running it all that time, and so have a lot of you. And there have been seven (almost eight) World of Darkness games since. They’ve taught us a lot about life, love, and friendship. As well as shivving dudes in alleys because we want their blood just … Read more

Now in Print for September 20

These books are all newly-available via DriveThruRPG’s Now in Print program! Classic World of Darkness cWOD: World of Darkness: Demon Hunter X VTM: Book of the Kindred WTA: Tribebook: Black Furies Revised WTA: Possessed MTAs: Forged by Dragon’s Fire WTO: Book of Legions CTD: Kithbook: Sluagh DTF: Damned and Deceived

Avast, ye scurvy land-lubbers

In honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day, the following books are FREE today only! World of Darkness: Blood-Dimmed Tides Exalted: Savage Seas Also relevant to today is Trinity’s Trinity Field Report: Oceania, which is always free.