So, what’s happening with Vampire right now?
• The V20 Companion is in its final compilation stages. Now that the Kickstarter funding has concluded, we’re collecting the relevant pieces of information that we offered as rewards for the tiers and integrating that into the texts. For example, I’ve written some players into a few examples of play, and I’m having Skype conversations with other players (and figuring out embarrassing nicknames for them in the Special Thanks). Rich has the final quantity count sent to the printers and we’re getting those costs back. I may have to take a trip down to Atlanta to sign all of the autograph-reward prestige V20 Companions, because it just makes more logistical sense than drop-shipping 300 books to my house and then shipping them back to the point of distribution.
• Children of the Revolution remains in active development. It’s a bit later than projected on the schedule, but we still have some wiggle room to get it out on time. A few freelance writers are helping me out on the project, and if all goes smoothly, I’ll have the characters completed by the end of the month. Rich is looking into print and publication options for this, since the Kickstarter for the V20 Companion went so well.
• Late last week, I put up the Hunters Hunted 2 outline on Google Docs for players to peruse so they could offer feedback. The comments we’ve received are really insightful, and if you catch me on there, you might see me making changes to the doc in real time. I’m also getting writers lined up for the book so that it’s not impacted too greatly by Children of the Revolution sliding a bit. Fingers crossed, these schedule movements shouldn’t impact players. In fact, they work out well, and there’s a potential that we’ll have HH2 on hand for this year’s Grande Masquerade. No promises on that, but it’s a great place to have a new Vampire book.
• Secret stuff: Rich is pushing for an additional book to fit into this year’s V20 schedule. The 2013 schedule features quarterly releases, and if we can move the 2012 schedule up to that cadence, that means more Vampire material than we had originally planned, which, hopefully, is good news for you.
Thats all sweet and all, but when are CCP going to get on their knees and triple your pay to bring you back on the MMO fulltime? 🙁
Books are nice, but.. I dont have enough friends into Vampire to play P&P with :p I want YOU to write for the MMO, dammit XD
Thanks for the kind words! I don’t see that happening anytime soon however 😉
Thats unfortunate and reading it made me open a bottle of hard liquor 😉 , but truth to be told, deep down I knew and had resigned myself to that unfortunate fact already 🙂
I hope you’re loving your new opportunities, Justin. What you wrote for VtM/VtR wasn’t just great; as far as I’m concerned, it defined the full potential of imagination. I played other tabletops like D&D alot, and they were generally fun -games-. But whenever I played Vampire it was happening on a wholly different level. I got sucked in totally, to the point where a part of me would have -gladly died- if it meant I could experience my character in full. That requires some pretty intense writing, and that’s what you -do-.
Best of lucks in all your endeavors. And may Heaven and Hell conspire to find someone with a quarter of your talent to make the WOD MMO at least a believable reflection of what it could have been. 🙂
great news!
Great news, can´t think of a better way to start monday! Here in Mexico we are very excited and looking forward to GM. We are also working on invovlivng Latin America with the development of Hunter Hunted 2 and brining together the community. We have translated (prior authorization) the outline of Hunters Hunted 2 to Spanish for those who don´t have english as a your first language. You can see it in http://ixn.mx/rol/desarrollo-abierto-de-cazadores-cazados-2/
If there is anything else we can do to help, please let us know.
>> In fact, they work out well, and there’s a potential that we’ll have HH2 on hand for this year’s Grande Masquerade.
There will be a Grand Masquerade this year? When, where and how can one register?
In the works. We’ll definitely share more info as we know it.
Very cool 😀 I hop’ I can make it over again.
And yeah, an additional V20 book for 2012 would also be great news 🙂
Hey Justin, I’m wondering if there’s any plan to do a V20 version of the clan books any time soon. It’s great that you are planning all these others books and the clan books are the one thing I really want 🙂
Ideally I’d like to see all the clan books updated to V20 rules and bound together in one book, that would be fantastic.
Doing them all in one book would be fairly insane. You’d end up with a book significantly thicker than the V20 core (maybe twice as thick?), and I can’t imagine that actually being terribly usable…
A more feasible idea would be something more akin to the Guide to the High and Low clans books. But instead of for Dark Ages, for V20 Modern Nights.
That would be the only way to really do that.
True. Maybe it would make sense to simply combine them so that you’d have a ‘Guide to the Camarilla Clans,’ ‘Guide to the Sabbat Clans,’ and ‘Guide to the Independent Clans.’ Of course, the Sabbat would really get screwed over by dint of having only the Lasombra and Tzimisce, but maybe you could fill it out with additional Sabbat material, since that Sect had far more material on it than anyone else.