Complete Collections

We now have a series of Complete Collection bundles available! You can get every PDF in a game line for 40% off! It’s like downloading a season of your favourite show in Netflix, but with books! Complete Collection: Wraith: The Oblivion Complete Collection: Changeling: The Dreaming Complete Collection: Hunter: The Reckoning Complete Collection: Demon: The … Read more

Now in Print: June 27

Dark Ages: Fae. Yes, Dark Ages: Fae. One small print run, almost immediately sold out, nigh-impossible to find without paying exorbitant prices. Now it can be yours again.


With everything else going on — the launch of the Changing Breeds Kickstarter, the two meetings, and then the excitement in the Texas legislature — I completely missed out on posting this as I intended. Yesterday (June 25th) was the 14th anniversary of the release of the Guide to the Technocracy, one of the favourite books in … Read more

Deluxe W20 Changing Breeds Kickstarter is GO

The werewolves are not the only changing creatures to stalk the world. The Changing Breeds hunt places where wolves do not tread, from the storm-tossed skies and sun-lost seas, to the jungle depths and broad deserts. Spiders spin their webs, each silken strand reflecting how the world should be. Bloody-handed serpents kill swiftly and vanish into shadow … Read more

Mummy Developer Interview

Over at we recently posted a two-part interview with Mummy developer CA Suleiman, using fan-submitted questions. 1. Please tell us about the upcoming sourcebooks. Sure. Next up on the docket is Guildhalls of the Deathless, which is the big combo “splatbook” on the five guilds. I wanted the articulation of such concepts that core to the … Read more