Baby, You’re Much Too Fast [Vampire: The Requiem]

Hi, folks. Rose here with a report from the Vampire office. Things have been quiet on the blog front as I’ve been getting upcoming books in order. My responsibilities at Onyx Path are pretty heavy (everything from production to CofD oversight to Kickstarters), so I’ve brought on co-developer Danielle Lauzon for our next book: A Thousand … Read more

Day 30: Demon: Interface

Onyx Path’s Month of Nightmares features games, stories, and more to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Count down the days with us by reading our excerpts, participating in the discussion, or by taking advantage of our special offers leading up to a haunted Halloween. Analysts Let me see. You were sent to analyze. You were … Read more

Day 13: The Strix Chronicle Anthology

Onyx Path’s Month of Nightmares features games, stories, and more to celebrate the spirit of Halloween. Count down the days with us by reading our excerpts, participating in the discussion, or by taking advantage of our special offers leading up to a haunted Halloween. Dusk. I’m sobbing on a park bench. The alley mouths wail … Read more

Visit scenic Chiaro! [Cavaliers of Mars]

Drafts for Cavaliers of Mars are starting to come in. Since I posted “Two Swords of Mars” the other week, this week I’d like to spotlight the city it takes place in, Chiaro. Chiaro is a lively city caught between those who would loot its ancient past and its role as a lifeline for modern Mars. Stats have … Read more

Cavaliers of Mars call for playtesters! [Cavaliers of Mars]

As Cavaliers of Mars surges forward, I’m looking for more players to test our latest system designs. Thus, I’m launching a small-scale external playtest. Here’s what I’m looking for in a group: Can play a short session of at least three scenes in the next two weeks, in-person or online. One GM and at least two players. … Read more

Lancea et Sanctum Merits and Miracles Playtest [Vampire: The Requiem]

Now, presenting our final playtest blog for Secrets of the Covenants: the Lancea et Sanctum! Here’s an assortment of new Merits and Miracles for your characters. When discussing this, please link to the original document, rather than reposting it. I sometimes make changes or clarifications in response to feedback. Please note that we’re primarily interested in … Read more

Invictus Merits and Oaths: The Ties That Bind [Vampire: The Requiem]

Since there was a recent forum discussion on it, I thought I’d put up the playtest document for the Invictus mechanics from Secrets of the Covenants. When discussing this, please link to the original document, rather than reposting it. I sometimes make changes or clarifications in response to feedback. Please note that we’re primarily interested in what … Read more