Now Available: Demon Translation Guide in print and Gen Con brochures!

Now available in print from DriveThruRPG: the Demon Translation Guide! What if the God-Machine was just…God? What if the Fallen escaped from Hell, only to find themselves in a World of Darkness overseen by a vast Machine and techngnostic angels? What kinds of bargains might the Unchained make if they knew the Almighty was always … Read more

[Demon]Storyteller’s Guide

I haven’t talked about Demon for a while, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been on my mind. Originally Rose was going to develop the Demon Storyteller’s Guide, but scheduling issues and so forth meant that it landed with me instead. She did the initial outlining, and I hired authors (including some folks who responded to the … Read more

June 2015 Release Recap

It’s a busy month for us here at Onyx Path in the weeks before Gen Con, which is less than a month away! Now available on DriveThruRPG: Vampire: The Masquerade: V20 Dark Ages Wallpapers (Image) Vampire: The Masquerade: Dread Names, Red List (PDF and Print) Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Art of Changing Breeds: A Visual Guide … Read more

Now Available: Red List, Demon Translation Guide, Pugmire Poster 3

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Dread Names, Red List. This book is a sort of sequel to 1994’s The Kindred Most Wanted in the V20 style. Fun fact: The Kindred Most Wanted was also released on this date! There are some threats that transcend a local Prince’s domain and become enemies of … Read more

Fallen World Anthology in print, plus SHIRTPOCALYPSE

The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology is now available in print at DriveThruFiction, bringing our total number of Chronicle Anthologies in print up to five! The world is a Lie A prison for souls warped by an Abyss of madness. People Sleep through their lives, never knowing the wonders and terrors concealed from them. Awakened mages … Read more

Dark Eras Prestige Edition Kickstarter 24 Hour Warning!

The Kickstarter for the Prestige Edition of World of Darkness: Dark Eras begins in 24 hours! Dark Eras contains historical eras for each of the World of Darkness games in the vein of New Wave Requiem, Mage Noir, and Victorian Lost. Each is represented by their own chapter, stretching from Alexandrian Greece to 1970s New York. With your help, additional … Read more

New Release: Demon: Interface

Now available in PDF and print on DriveThruFiction! The Unchained don’t take anything for granted. They recognize four Incarnations, based on the types of angels they were. Four Agendas, based on the types of demons they’ve become. Four Keys to the Cipher, creating a series of Interlocks. They understand all of this, but they strive … Read more

New Releases: Splintered City: Seattle and The Demon Seed Collection

Now available at DriveThruRPG: Splintered City: Seattle and The Demon Seed Collection, both for Demon: The Descent! Splintered City: Seattle Seattle is a fractured city, split between history and modernity. The Unchained can stumble through rifts in time and space and wind up decades in the past. Why Some failed experiment of the God-Machine? A side effect of … Read more