Invictus Merits and Oaths: The Ties That Bind [Vampire: The Requiem]

Since there was a recent forum discussion on it, I thought I’d put up the playtest document for the Invictus mechanics from Secrets of the Covenants. When discussing this, please link to the original document, rather than reposting it. I sometimes make changes or clarifications in response to feedback. Please note that we’re primarily interested in what … Read more

Dark Eras Prestige Edition Kickstarter 24 Hour Warning!

The Kickstarter for the Prestige Edition of World of Darkness: Dark Eras begins in 24 hours! Dark Eras contains historical eras for each of the World of Darkness games in the vein of New Wave Requiem, Mage Noir, and Victorian Lost. Each is represented by their own chapter, stretching from Alexandrian Greece to 1970s New York. With your help, additional … Read more

Now Available: Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition!

Vampire: The Requiem’s 2nd Edition is now available at DriveThruRPG! Originally released almost exactly a year ago as Blood and Smoke: The Strix Chronicle, Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition has been rebranded, tweaked, and given a full index. Now this can take a place of pride on your shelf along with other core rulebooks. Also available: Vampire: … Read more

Want for Christmas [Vampire: The Requiem]

I’ve got a bit of a surprise for you. A few days ago, Facebook made this helpful suggestion: “Share a post about what Vampire: The Requiem has planned for the holidays.” That sounded kind of dangerous. And I happen to love Christmas specials, but I didn’t have one up my sleeve. In my stead, Amy Veeres and … Read more

Ordo Dracul Merits and Mysteries: The Rites of the Dragon [Vampire: The Requiem]

The followers of Dracula hold tight to their hidden rites and secret truths. Their mysteries aren’t as flashy as sorcery, but that very clandestine nature increases their thrall over the imaginations of the dead. Secrets of the Covenants presents new Merits for members of the Order and their allies, as well as little-known or heretical … Read more

Carthian Merits and Law: The Voice of the People [Vampire: The Requiem]

There’s a difference between vampire revolutionaries who see humans as the proletariat, and vampire revolutionaries who see humans as the means of production. –Greg Stolze Since we got into the grisly magic of the Circle of the Crone last time, I thought this time we’d talk a little about politics. Of course, the Carthians would … Read more

Acolyte Merits and Rituals – Secrets of the Covenants Open Development

Hey, folks. I said there’d be more to come after Gen Con, and here’s the first of it. Open development is back, with Secrets of the Covenants! Secrets is primarily a book of artifacts that give you an inside look into the covenants, but also includes Merits, rituals, and so on that give you more … Read more