Onyx Path Sunday at Gen Con 2015: featuring nWoD 2nd Edition

Sunday at Gen Con 2015 in fantabulous Indianapolis! If you come by our booth at 1103 in the convention center, we are giving away a nWoD 2nd collectible pin, and a card that you can use as a Willpower bonus during your game! We’re only giving these out today, and then that’s it for pins at Gen Con.   … Read more

Now Available: W20 Poison Tree, Beast Within in Print, and more!

Now available in ebook and print from DriveThruFiction: The Poison Tree Savannah is under siege. For 20 years the minions of the Wyrm have threatened the Coastal Empire, checked only by the courage and cunning of the Shadow Lords. Every year, the septs of the Southern Protectorate send young warriors to aid in the defense and to … Read more

The End is the Beginning is the End [Mage: The Awakening] [Dark Eras] [Werewolf: The Forsaken]

(Photo by Michel Wal, under creative commons) Welcome back, faithful readers! Mage: The Awakening Second Edition is firmly into Development now. My pasted-together working copy of the book, all of the drafts from authors assembled into a single file, is 420 pages long in Word. I ran the game last week, and I’m much happier … Read more

April 2015 Release Recap

New Releases Starting off the month was our annual April Fools product for the World of Darkness, Gothic Icons, which features a collection of statted-up characters from classic Gothic literature. Since April 1 coincided with Wednesday, an actual release day this year, we also released the advance PDF for Mummy: The Curse’s Sothis Ascends, a … Read more

March 2015 Release Recap

This has been a pretty good month for us, with one major release, one minor, one released in print, and a metric buttload (1.67 Imperial assloads) of shirts added to our RedBubble store. We launched the month with the advance PDF for Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition which, even before the PoD is ready, hit DriveThruRPG’s … Read more

Fallen World Anthology in print, plus SHIRTPOCALYPSE

The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology is now available in print at DriveThruFiction, bringing our total number of Chronicle Anthologies in print up to five! The world is a Lie A prison for souls warped by an Abyss of madness. People Sleep through their lives, never knowing the wonders and terrors concealed from them. Awakened mages … Read more

Dark Eras Prestige Edition Kickstarter 24 Hour Warning!

The Kickstarter for the Prestige Edition of World of Darkness: Dark Eras begins in 24 hours! Dark Eras contains historical eras for each of the World of Darkness games in the vein of New Wave Requiem, Mage Noir, and Victorian Lost. Each is represented by their own chapter, stretching from Alexandrian Greece to 1970s New York. With your help, additional … Read more