Deluxe V20 Lore of the Clans Kickstarter is NOW LIVE!
The Deluxe V20 Lore of the Clans Kickstarter is NOW LIVE!
World of Darkness
The World of Darkness is much like our world, but it is darker, more devious and more conspiratorial — an aesthetic we call “Gothic-Punk”. The dichotomy between the rich and the poor, the influential and the weak, and the powerful and the powerless is much more pronounced than in the real world. Decadence, cynicism, and corruption are common. Humans are unwitting victims or pawns of vast secret organizations of supernatural creatures. Vampires, werewolves, and mages (among others) struggle with internal factionalism and against other species in secret wars of intrigue for control.
The World of Darkness (sometimes “WoD”) was first developed in 1991 with the release of Vampire: The Masquerade. It has reached hundreds of millions of people through thousands of books published in a wide variety of languages, as well as via a prime-time television show, multiple well-regarded video games, and even World of Darkness-focused conventions. Onyx Path Publishing offers dozens of role-playing game, fiction, art, and clothing products for the World of Darkness, as well as helping to re-release hundreds of original books through PDF and print-on-demand.
If this sounds interesting to you, you can Buy World of Darkness products now!
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Vampire: The Masquerade
Werewolf: The Apocalypse
Mage: The Ascension
Wraith: The Oblivion
Changeling: The Dreaming
The Deluxe V20 Lore of the Clans Kickstarter is NOW LIVE!
This is your 24-hour warning: the Kickstarter for a deluxe edition of V20’s upcoming Lore of the Clans begins tomorrow (Thursday) at noon EST! There’s no instruction manual for being dead. Vampires have a common oral tradition, as sires teach their childer through lecture, deed, brute strength, or throwing them into the darkness and hoping for … Read more
This has been a pretty good month for us, with one major release, one minor, one released in print, and a metric buttload (1.67 Imperial assloads) of shirts added to our RedBubble store. We launched the month with the advance PDF for Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition which, even before the PoD is ready, hit DriveThruRPG’s … Read more
2015 is a big year for Changeling, since Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition and Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition are both in the works. A couple of weeks ago we dropped a Dreaming poster, which was the first CTD-branded release in more than ten years. Since you’ve all been very good and very patient, how … Read more
Version Two of the Prince’s Gambit is ready for playtest! As ever, if you have feedback, please leave it below, or in the comments at the Google Drive Rules file. Changes For This Iteration Clans and special abilities for them Additional 1-Praxis Intrigues to change the frequency and distribution of Intrigues It’s easier for the Sabbat … Read more
More classic art from previous book covers is now available in shirt form from our RedBubble store! For Werewolf: The Apocalypse: Apocalypse by Ron Spencer Book of the Wyrm 2nd Edition by Ron Spencer W20 Book of the Wyrm by Ron Spencer Caerns: Places of Power by Scott Hampton Rage Across Appalachia by Richard Kane Ferguson For Mage: The Ascension: … Read more
Hi Vampire fans! At long last, Dread Names: Red List is nearing completion! Matt M McElroy and I are just about to finish our last pass before sending the manuscript over to editing, but we wanted to get your feedback on the newest Anathema and third infernalist on the Red List. Our design goals for Marisa Santos … Read more
The Fallen World Chronicle Anthology is now available in print at DriveThruFiction, bringing our total number of Chronicle Anthologies in print up to five! The world is a Lie A prison for souls warped by an Abyss of madness. People Sleep through their lives, never knowing the wonders and terrors concealed from them. Awakened mages … Read more
In 1994, I bought a copy of Wraith: The Oblivion, and in the back was an ad for the next World of Darkness game, along with a passage from A Midsummer Night’s Dream. So. Same idea, different play. You do look, my son, in a moved sort, As if you were dismay’d: be cheerful, sir. Our revels … Read more
At long last, after a few delays, version 1.1 of The Prince’s Gambit awaits your tender ministrations. You’ll need the following files. Card fronts Card backs Rules If you have any feedback, please leave it below, or in the comments at the Google Drive Rules file. I tried to keep them as concise as possible, … Read more