Jumping to Mars [Monday Meeting Notes]

Ooookaaaay! We’re back from our various vacation moments, which were much-needed and awesome, and while the mega-excitement of Grande Masquerade 2016 in New Orleans over the Labor Day weekend is building, the business of Onyx Path is to get caught up on all the items coming out of this last month. One of these is … Read more

Sheer Perfection [Signs of Sorcery] [Mage: The Awakening]

Welcome back, faithful readers! Mage‘s errata is being incorporated, and the second edition core will soon be off to have an Index added. In the meantime, now that we have a stable ruleset, I think it’s high time to get back to Signs of Sorcery. Our topic tonight is the Perfected Metals, one of the … Read more

Pugmire August Update!

I am back and (relatively) rested up from a wonderful and insanely busy Gen Con. Thanks so much to all the backers who stopped by to say hi! I had some good meetings at the show, and I announced some things as well. There’s a lot to cover, so let’s dive right in! PUGMIRE EARPLAY … Read more

Now Available: Tales of the Dark Eras, plus CofD Starters!

Now available from DriveThruFiction in ebook and print: Tales of the Dark Eras! Walk through the ages… As a companion to Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras this anthology reveals secrets of the mystics, whispers rumors of the dead, and shines a light into the darkest corners of the world. This collection includes historical stories based within … Read more

Cavaliers of Mars Gen Con demo kit! [Cavaliers of Mars]

(Update: An earlier version of this post lacked the actual link. Oops, and fixed!) Hi, folks! I ran demos of Cavaliers at Mars at our booth throughout Gen Con, and the Wrecking Crew did the same thing in our game room. We had a blast playing the game with folks, and I thought I’d share the … Read more