It’s Still Monday, Right?

Rich and I meet late on Tuesday, because he’s still exhausted and recovering from his surgery last week, and I’ve been in constant WoD MMO meetings so far this week, one of which involved a Google search on the term “latex nuns.” Justin is hammering away at the V20 Companion. It looks good — I’ve … Read more

Speedy Thomas!

Since a lot of things are moving on a number of fronts, it’ll be easier to list them separately. So, it’s time for the return of… Project Updates Strange, Dead Love: Rich is waiting on a physical proof of the book before giving it the green light to go live. Imperial Mysteries: The first proof … Read more

Haters Gotta Hate

Meeting Notes Mike Chaney asked me about the quote for the back cover of the print-on-demand edition for V20, which means that it’s very close to going out to the printer for a proof. Rich talks to me about setting up the wiring in his upstairs office, because his current one is getting too cold … Read more

Wikipedia Is Wrong

Rich and I talk a little about Thanksgiving. We try to call Russell, but no answer — we’ll try to connect with him again later in the week to talk about Requiem stuff. Over the holiday, someone had incorrectly listed White Wolf as defunct on our Wikipedia page. A fan mentioned it to me on … Read more