Now Available: Don’t Open the Gates!

Now available in PDF via DriveThruRPG: Don’t Open the Gates!, a Storypath Tasty Bit for They Came from Beyond the Grave! Banshee Hill Cemetery seals away the world’s most extensive collection of cursed treasures, vile evils, and restless dead. Despite the isolation of the cemetery, it still inters ordinary dead. Legends speak of vengeful dead … Read more

[They Came from CLASSIFIED!] Your Mission, Should You Choose to Accept it…

Greetings all, Matthew here again with another blog! This time we’re entering the thrilling world of international espionage, where you’ll come up against all manner of alphabet agencies, rogue governments, secret societies, and eccentric tyrants bent on world domination. I am of course talking about They Came from [CLASSIFIED]! I love all the They Came … Read more

Horrific Comments! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Or maybe Urban Dark Fantasy-ic comments? I’m referring here to the absolute explosion with the number of folks joining in on the conversation in last week’s MMN Comments section. It’s been a fantastic and ongoing conversation about what sort of new Urban Dark Fantasy/Horror game Onyx Path should make someday. I emphasize again: someday! But … Read more

Episode 256: Welcome, Danielle!

In which we officially welcome Danielle Lauzon to the team! Coming in hot! Unpicking Danielle Time Zones Types of reading Artisanal books Work habits Pupdates Current and upcoming projects Links: Onyx Path YouTube: Onyx Path Twitch: Onyx Path Discord:

[The World Below] Dialectics

Matthew here, with another delve into The World Below! Last week we dove headfirst into the wonderfully grim settlement of Glowstream, which I’m sure a lot of you will be exploring in adventures to come. But at the end of that blog, I asked you what you wanted to see next regarding The World Below, … Read more

Now Available: Devoted Companion, plus Scarred Lands VTT!

Now available in PDF and print-on-demand via DriveThruRPG: The Devoted Companion for Deviant: The Renegades! In the eyes of the Renegades, every conspiracy is a tightly managed organization comprised of faceless human monsters willing to commit any atrocity to advance its malevolent agenda. It is an oppressive structure bent on dominance through transgression. The Devoted … Read more

TCPG on BK! [Monday Meeting Notes]

(Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide on BackerKit) That’s right – the TCPG Crowdfunded on BackerKit campaign ends this Thursday, the 20th! We’re charging towards 800 backers right now, and with the excitement that always happens in the last two days, there’s no telling how much further we will go! So if you haven’t backed – now’s … Read more

Episode 255: A Dimension-Hopping Trinity Adventure!

In which we play a short adventure using the characters we built using the Trinity Continuum Player’s Guide! Halberd Buckley and Dr. Daria Dana Dinkley are on the case! We’re in Idaho! Flux-building shenanigans Dinosaur chat Exploration Through a portal! Broom broom We lost Matthew in real life Links: Trinity Player’s Guide Backerkit: Onyx … Read more

[The World Below] Glowstream

Matthew here, with another slice of The World Below for you! Last week I gave a short teaser about the lost settlement of Glowstream. Glowstream was one of the most populated, most well-defended, and most “civilized” settlements in the World Below, at least until the last Kalm season (a season with a somewhat ironic name). … Read more