Tag: embeds

  • Demon Books in Progress

    Hi! It’s Matt! Taking a little break from redlining Seattle and running my Kickstarter to talk about a couple of Demon books! So, I’m working on five Demon books at the moment. Three of them are stretch goals for the Kickstarter, so I’m putting together an update that will get posted over there. The other two, though, have been…

  • Messengers and Vocal Embeds

    A demon’s Incarnation is his original function in the service of the God-Machine. Some angels walked battlefields with bladed wings dipped in blood, others protected humans without rest… until the moment of their appointed doom. Today, we take a look at the Messengers and the Vocal Embeds they wield. Once, you were a Trumpet. A living…

  • New Embed: Hush

    So, to recap: The other day I asked for helping in renaming an Embed. Someone called “darkfool” commented and gave us “Last Place You Look,” which we felt was pretty spot-on. I then asked darkfool to pick a number, 1 to 80. darkfool picked 8, so I count down 8 in the list of Embeds,…

  • Help me name a power – Named!

    EDIT: YOU FOLKS ARE AWESOME! There were lots of good suggestions, some very literate, some very computer-y, some flowery, some nice and simple. In the end, we went with “Last Place You Look,” because it’s a nice description of what the power does and it fits the naming convention we’ve established. So, thanks very much…

  • Something other than Actual Play: “Balance”

    I feel like I owe you all something beyond playtest reports, although those have been generating some good responses. OK, so, we all know that demons have demonic forms, and those forms have power associated with them. You’ve seen demons using Wings, Clairvoyant Sight, Teleportation, and so forth; these are all form powers. Demons also…