Lancea et Sanctum Merits and Miracles Playtest [Vampire: The Requiem]

Now, presenting our final playtest blog for Secrets of the Covenants: the Lancea et Sanctum! Here’s an assortment of new Merits and Miracles for your characters. When discussing this, please link to the original document, rather than reposting it. I sometimes make changes or clarifications in response to feedback. Please note that we’re primarily interested in … Read more

Oh, the Humanity! [Monday Meeting Notes]

Sometimes the tormented artist look like in Efrem Palacio’s piece from V20 Lore of the Clans is exactly what is on my face while working on a piece of art. But these days, that expression is more likely to appear as I read online how I, or Onyx Path, or one of our creative team-mates, … Read more

Hurt Locker Open Dev Dump #2

Welcome back to a new edition of Hurt Locker Stuff I’m Sharing For Open Development. Same rules apply. I’ll paste those at the bottom. I’d love your thoughts. I’d love them even more if they come from gameplay. I’ve featured our three new templates, the Dreamers, the Infected, and the Cursed of Hachiko. I’ve also … Read more

Announcing a Change to the World of Darkness—Now with More Historical Angst™!

Today on Fish Fool’s, Onyx Path Publishing is thrilled to announce an exciting change. Inspired by the success of the Dark Eras Kickstarter, the company has decided to overhaul every classic and new World of Darkness game in their catalog and will transport the entire line back to the nineteenth century, during the height of … Read more