Now Available: Monsters from the Crypt!

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Monsters from the Crypt! for They Came from Beyond the Grave! The monsters of this world are many, and terrible. They range from the undead to the bestial, the eldritch to the diabolical. Monsters of all stripes await you: in the cellar, in the woods, stalking you … Read more

Release Retrospective 2022

2022 was quite a year! COVID continues to vex us, costs continue to rise, social media is exploding, but we keep making books. What’s been your favorite Onyx Path release of 2022? What are you looking forward to for 2023? Let us know in the comments. Have a great New Year, everyone! Onyx Path Games … Read more

Release Roundup: December 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Scion: Dragon wallpaper (image) Scion: Dragon Storyguide Screen (PDF) Scion: Masks of the Mythos wallpaper (image) Scion: Masks of the … Read more

Now Available: Technocracy Novella, and more

Now available in ebook and PoD from DriveThruFiction: The Melody Through the Mirrorshade Lens, a Technocracy fiction anthology for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition! What does the Technocratic Union agent see through those reflective lenses? How many hours of interrogation footage, archives of dossiers, gone over one more time, again and again? What song … Read more

OPP10: Trinity Continuum month, part 2: Massive discounts!

2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so we’re celebrating a different game line every month this year! December is Trinity Continuum month. For our final sale, PDF titles from the original edition of the Trinity Continuum, the Æon Continuum, are on sale for 10% of their original price for our 10th anniversary. That means they’re … Read more

Now Available: Hollow Courts, plus Pugmire VTT

Now available in PDF and PoD from DriveThruFiction: The Hollow Courts fiction anthology for Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition! “Bring me the fairest girl in all the town,” the Crone croaked. She held out a thin hand, with too-long fingers counting too many digits, and skin dry and cracked like parchment. “And then you, my … Read more

Now Available, Late Edition: Adversaries of the Righteous and Squeaks Jumpstart!

Now available in advance PDF from DriveThruRPG: Adversaries of the Righteous collection for Exalted 3rd Edition! A privateer crew sails the frozen winds of the far North, hunting for riches. Deep beneath the Blessed Isle, a Fair Folk prince plots vengeance from within her crystal palace. Not far from Cynosure, a long-dead ruler returns from … Read more

OPP10: Trinity Continuum month, part 1! Save up to 90%!

2022 is Onyx Path’s tenth anniversary, so we’re celebrating a different game line every month this year! December is Trinity Continuum month. For the first part of the month, PDF titles from across the Trinity Continuum are on sale for 10% of their original price for our 10th anniversary. That means they’re 90% off! That … Read more

Release Roundup: November 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Scion: Dragon (PDF/print) Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: Storypath Tasty Bit: Queer Nova Alliance (PDF) Trinity Continuum: Æon: Mission Statements (print) Changeling: … Read more