Help me name a power – Named!

EDIT: YOU FOLKS ARE AWESOME! There were lots of good suggestions, some very literate, some very computer-y, some flowery, some nice and simple. In the end, we went with “Last Place You Look,” because it’s a nice description of what the power does and it fits the naming convention we’ve established. So, thanks very much … Read more

Something other than Actual Play: “Balance”

I feel like I owe you all something beyond playtest reports, although those have been generating some good responses. OK, so, we all know that demons have demonic forms, and those forms have power associated with them. You’ve seen demons using Wings, Clairvoyant Sight, Teleportation, and so forth; these are all form powers. Demons also … Read more

Jim’s Group: The Bus Rolls On

Matt’s Notes: So, here we introduce a concept in Demon that hasn’t gotten a lot of attention yet: Interlocks. In keeping with our ongoing policy of not waggling our fingers and going “It’s a spooooooooky seeeeeeecret!” when new stuff comes up, I’m going to leave this text largely unaltered, but I’m not going to provide a lot … Read more

Demon Playtest: Jim’s Group – Subtle Like a Bus

Playtest #3 – Putting the “b” in “Subtle” The session started with us going over what various characters did during the afternoon apart. Dice did a few runs in her job as a messenger, while keeping an ear to the street to see if anyone was talking about the Ramirez murder. Things were (perhaps unusually) … Read more

Demon: Tautology Forecast, part 2

Part one here. So, the demons got together and realized that we have a Burned demon and a soul pact. Well, that’s a match made in Hell, right there. Lucia Sparks, it seems, dies tonight (or rather, has her marker called in). Krispie and Harriet do a little research and find that Lucia Sparks lives in … Read more

Playtest: How an Angel Dies, Part 2

Part one is here. All rules and conditions (not Conditions) still apply. Before we started, I told the players something that their characters would have noticed last time, but that I hadn’t mentioned: the George Washington Bridge is Infrastructure. All of it. That must have been a recent thing (existing structures can become Infrastructure, and in … Read more

Demon: Tautology Forecast

We actually played this session a couple of weeks ago, but I was missing some information I needed to post it, so here ya go. We played the second session last night, complete with combat, Hellfire-belching guns, time-and-space warping dogs, and soul annihilation, but I’ll write that up later today. Some Monday, we played a … Read more

Eric’s Group’s Playtest: Final Session Where Things Explode

Session #4 Intellectually, Hugo can’t really disagree with Agent Jackson. Kidnapping one’s lawyer in the middle of the night, sticking him in the truck of your car, and bringing him back to your lab would qualify as unusual behavior under any ordinary circumstances. Bonus weirdness points for that lab being legally forbidden from operating due … Read more