Episode 216: Deviant: The Renegades Character Creation!

In which the trio creates characters for Deviant: The Renegades, including versions of Eleven from Stranger Things and a Kamen Rider character. We’re all together again! We’ve not made Deviant characters before Our inspirations We make characters! We all want to play Deviant now Some roleplaying advice Links: Onyx Path YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheOnyxPath Onyx Path Twitch: … Read more

Release Roundup: May 2022

Welcome to the Release Roundup! Remember, this is where to go to find not just the month’s releases, but also the compiled project status updates for the last month. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Scarred Lands: Yugman’s Guide to Ghelspad (Fantasy Grounds/Steam) Scion: Scion 2nd Edition – Book Two: Hero (Roll20) Trinity Continuum: Aberrant: … Read more

Media Spotlight: Lore by Night

Tonight we cast our illuminating gaze darkward, in the direction of a video maker and podcaster by the name of Lore by Night. The Spotlight Lore by Night is a show that’s been running for a good while now, with its largest focus on exploring the World of Darkness properties, combining reviews of books with … Read more

Now Available: Squeaks in the Deep! Plus: new hardcovers at IPR and Studio2!

Now available in PDF and print: Squeaks in the Deep, a chronicle sourcebook for Pugmire and Monarchies of Mau! “The dogs and cats of the world are not our friends. They presume we are always guilty of some crime or other, even if this isn’t the case. You’ll have to remember our most important code: … Read more

Release Retrospective: 2021

Whew, what a year! We were all hoping that the pandemic was coming to an end, but how wrong we were. We’re still trying to cope with the fallout in terms of rising prices and material shortages, but we’re trucking on in any case. What’s been your favorite Onyx Path release of 2021? What are … Read more

Release Roundup: December 2021

Stay tuned for the 2021 Release Retrospective later today! Here’s just this month: Scarred Lands: Champions of the Scarred Lands (Amazon PoD) Scion: Tales of Heroes: A Scion Anthology (PDF/print) They Came from Beneath the Sea!: Party Beach Creature Feature! Jumpstart (print) They Came from Beneath the Sea!: TCfBtS! VTT Tokens (file) They Came from … Read more

Now Available: Technocracy Jumpstart

Now available in PDF and print: Welcome to the Rock: A Technocracy Reloaded Jumpstart for Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition! Welcome to the Technocratic Union The Technocracy Reloaded Jumpstart contains everything you need to tell a story of Enlightened Scientists in the world of Mage: The Ascension: 20th Anniversary Edition. This book contains a condensed … Read more

Media Spotlight: Vorpal Tales

We’ve had a pretty long and very enjoyable relationship with the fine folks at Vorpal Tales now, and it’s time to check them out if, you’ve not already done so! Vorpal Tales produce a fantastic array of actual plays of games not limited to ours, though obviously, their actual plays of our content are the … Read more

Release Roundup: October 2021

Some great material to celebrate SpoOoooOoOOoooky Season! They Came from Beyond the Grave!: Storypath Tasty Bit: They Came from Dracula’s Tomb! (PDF) They Came from Beyond the Grave!: The Haunting of Abbeyham Priory!: A Jumpstart for They Came from Beyond the Grave! (advance PDF) World of Darkness: Ghost Hunters (PDF/print) Exalted: Hundred Devils Night Parade … Read more

Now Available: Dearly Bleak and Player’s Guide to the Contagion!

Now available in ebook and print: Dearly Bleak for Deviant: The Renegades! Once, there was a boy named Dearly Bleak. That’s not his birth name, but that’s not the point. Dearly became so deathly ill, his parents allowed a smiling self-help cult to turn their son’s body into a home for a cosmic maggot god.  … Read more