Mummy: The Curse Kickstarter starts tomorrow

As noted in today’s Monday Meeting notes, the Mummy: The Curse Kickstarter will begin at noon Eastern Time on December 18. Rich says: Now, we are doing something a bit different with this one and I want to explain it a bit here: unlike the last three Kickstarters we have done, this one doesn’t start out as … Read more

“Morality” and Other Dirty Words

Hey, all. So, they let me have posting access here. MORE FOOL THEM. Anyway, we’re in the last stages of developing and editing the God-Machine Chronicle. First of all, I’m sure you’ve all had the chance to read and absorb the awesome fiction in the God-Machine Chronicle Anthology, which is good, because it’s required reading … Read more

New Release: Left-Hand Path

Left-Hand Path, the latest book for Mage: The Awakening, is now available at DriveThruRPG in PDF and print formats! The Price of Disobedience All societies have rules–even societies of mages. But rules were made to be  broken. For the Awakened, shattered laws raise sinister forces. The Left-Hand Path tempts sorcerers with forbidden power, fulfilling their desires … Read more

Pre-Launch Post

Hey, gang. So, that was a crazy bunch of weeks. But they happened, and now this is happening: I’ve just finished proofing the core set for Mummy: The Curse, ladies and gents, and I’m pleased to relate that it looks really good. And I mean good even for a perfectionist like me. Between the talented … Read more

Seeing in the dark

Been eight years since Vampire came out. I’ve been running it all that time, and so have a lot of you. And there have been seven (almost eight) World of Darkness games since. They’ve taught us a lot about life, love, and friendship. As well as shivving dudes in alleys because we want their blood just … Read more

Blood Sorcery: Sacraments & Blasphemies

Bottom line at the top: Blood Sorcery: Sacraments & Blasphemies  for Vampire: The Requiem is out. You know that storefront between the massage parlor and the Gamestop? The one called something like New Light Nondenominational Church? With the sign that says “ALL WELCOME!” You ever wonder why, if all are welcome, they’ve got the windows blacked … Read more