Release Roundup: September 2023

Welcome to the Release Roundup! This is where we update you on what we’ve been up to for the last month, from weekly releases to crowdfunding project to production status update. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: Merch: This month’s Community Content, from the Storypath Nexus, Slarecian Vault, and Canis Minor includes: CROWDFUNDING UPDATE Titans Rising ended on Kickstarter … Read more

September Setting Sale Week 3: Sail the High Seas

Each week during September, DriveThruRPG is offering themed sales. This week: Sail the High Seas with Pirate RPGs! Pirates of Pugmire, a supplement for both Monarchies of Mau and Pugmire, is 80% off for this week only! We’ve got a selection of other titles available for 25% off, including Pirates of Pugmire supplements, and Blood … Read more

Now Available: Legacies of Earth, Plus Roll20 Tokens

Now available in PDF and print from DriveThruRPG: Legacies of Earth for Legendlore! Also available on Roll20: Other Recent Releases Did you miss one of these recent releases? Sales A few sales are going on right now: Crowdfunding Update Titans Rising launched two weeks ago on Kickstarter and funded in 12 hours and 5 minutes! … Read more

Release Roundup: August 2023

Welcome to the Release Roundup! This is where we update you on what we’ve been up to for the last month, from weekly releases to crowdfunding project to production status update. This month’s Onyx Path releases include: This month’s Community Content, from the Storypath Nexus, Slarecian Vault, and Canis Minor includes: CROWDFUNDING UPDATE Trinity Continuum: Aegis ended on BackerKit … Read more

Now Available: Library Tasty Bit for Scion!

Now available in PDF from DriveThruRPG: The Library, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Scion: Dragon! Libraries double not only as a place to keep one’s hoard, but also as fitting Lairs. The Ashwood Library isnow the Lair of Simon Lowe, Heir of Níðhöggr, and he lies sleeping at the library’s center, slumped overa pile of … Read more

Release Roundup: June 2023

Welcome to the Release Roundup! This is where we update you on what we’ve been up to for the last month, from weekly releases to crowdfunding project to production status update. This was a big month! The final(ish) book for W20 — we still have some stretch goals to wrap up — the new Exalted: … Read more

Now Available: A Scion Tasty Bit, plus an Apocalyptic Screen!

Now available in PDF via DriveThruRPG: The Village, a Storypath Tasty Bit for Scion: Demigod 2nd Edition! Many villages dot the United Kingdom; each has a history and a story. The Welsh village of Bodedern on the Isle of Anglesey has kept a secret for nearly two thousand years: it is here that Julius Caesar … Read more

Now Available: Adventure! Jumpstart, plus World Below Ashcan

Now available in PDF and print via DriveThruRPG: Stampede of Justice! A Jumpstart for Trinity Continuum: Adventure! Also available in advance PDF, The World Below, Ashcan Edition. The World Below provides. But you must dig. You must explore. You must map. You must build. You must defend.  The World Below provides, but only to the … Read more

Now Available: Exalted: Essence!

Now available in PDF and print via DriveThruRPG: Exalted: Essence for Exalted 3rd Edition! Other Recent Releases Did you miss one of these recent releases? Sales Onyx Path Con 2023 is rapidly approaching! Crowdfunding Update They Came From the RPG Anthology! has one week remaining, and we funded last week! We’re currently at $50,580 (or … Read more