Demon: The Descent update (and Gen Con note)

Demon: The Descent

Hi, everyone. I thought I’d give you a quick Demon update before Gen Con.

  • Prestige Edition Kickstarter copies: Being shipped from the printer to the fulfillment company.
  • Heirs to Hell: Out!
  • Flowers of Hell – The Demon Player’s Guide: Out in PDF, PoD being proofed this week.
  • Splintered City – Seattle: In layout.
  • Demon Anthology + Interface: In layout.
  • The Demon Seed Collection: Back from editing, going to layout. Artist is working on the illustrations, and the cover sketch has been approved.
  • Dark Eras chapter: In editing.
  • The Demon Storyteller’s Guide: Outlined. Recruiting authors, a process that will continue during Gen Con.
  • The Demon Translation Guide: Behind several other Demon projects in the pipeline, but I’m writing it.

I’ll be at the Gen Con nWoD panel to answer questions about Demon (and lots of other things) at 10 AM Saturday in the Crowne Plaza, Grand Central D. Mike, Rich, and I will all be at the Onyx Path booth throughout the show to chat. Matt will be at the Indie Game Developer Network booth, and will be at the OP booth on Thursday from 2 to 3.

I probably won’t write another dev blog between now and the show, unless I find a few spare minutes to write one for Vampire. So I’ll just say: see you there!

12 thoughts on “Demon: The Descent update (and Gen Con note)”

  1. Hurray for GenCon and Demon! Does Layout include getting art for the release, or is that a separate step?

    Also please do a Vampire blog! If you can find the time, it’d be a really great teaser to tide us over until the next release.

    • By layout, art is already coming in, but might not all be in yet. Art is ordered around the same time the book goes to editing, but depending on people’s schedules, may not be done at the same time.

  2. Would very much appreciate a more substantial update on where Cavaliers of Mars stands in its development process. Looking forward to it very much! 😀

    • About half of Cavaliers is written, and another half needs to be. After discussion a while back, Rich, Audrey, and I decided to do more locations and creatures in the core book than originally planned.

      It gets shuffled behind a lot of other things, because I need to support myself, and White Wolf work pays faster than creator-owned work. But it’s coming!

      • Understandable! 🙂 Hoping for it to come soon!

        Some more regular behind the scenes info would also be appreciated to keep the flames going! I’d just hate to see such a great idea get overwhelmed. 🙂

        Thanks, enjoy the con!

  3. Hey Rose,

    Hopefully we’ll have a chance to cross paths at Gen Con. I’m running a whole bunch of games with The Wreaking Crew, so it’ll be busy for me.

    But, I am running Cavaliers of Mars and looking forward to that.

    -Louis Garcia,
    Dead Gamers Society

      • In Heirs to Hell, the description in Chapter Three of the Griffin-Blackburn grandchildren, the children of their Fractal children, as Offspring is inconsistent with the description of how demon-blooded genetics works in Chapter One.

  4. In Heirs to Hell, the description in Chapter Three of the Griffin-Blackburn grandchildren, the children of their Fractal children, as Offspring is inconsistent with the description of how demon-blooded genetics works in Chapter One.

  5. I know I’m looking forward to meeting co-workers and bosses I’ve never met in person before. And drinking. Definitely with the drinking. 🙂

  6. Hi Rose, just got back from France to a big package with an absolutely massive and stunning Demon Deluxe core. Wow.
    thanks to you and the entire team for this gem, its probably one of your finest works.


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