Now Available: Bundles and Beasts!

We’ve got four new shirts today for the upcoming Beast: The Primordial in our RedBubble store: Dragon Fireguy Lakeside Multilimb We’ve also got a bunch of new bundles available on DriveThruRPG! VTM: Vampire: The Damned Bundle, featuring Children of the Inquisition; Children of the Night; Encyclopedia Vampirica; Children of the Revolution; the Making of the Art … Read more

Hurt Locker: Equipment Appendix

Howdy. Thought I’d share a draft while Hurt Locker’s on its way toward editing. This is the appendix for the book featuring weapons, armor, and equipment. This is more or less what the appendix will look like, with some minor changes here and there, edits, and what-have-you. It features a slightly different take on the way … Read more

Now Available: More Vampire Bloodline T-shirts!

Now available from our RedBubble store, we finish off the collection of bloodline symbols: Ahrimanes Anda Baali Blood Brothers Cappadocians Children of Osiris Daughters of Cacophony Gargoyles Harbingers of Skulls This brings the total number of shirts in our VTM collection up to a whopping 95! We’ve also got some updates to the White Wolf back catalog: … Read more

Scarred Lands 24 hour Warning!

Fewer than 24 hours remain on the Scarred Lands Kickstarter for Pathfinder and 5e! Less than 200 years ago, the world of Scarn was home to prosperous people. The inhabitants of the world toiled the land, hunted the beasts, and built civilizations. But all this was in the shadow of the world’s most awesome inhabitants, … Read more

Release Roundup: January 2016

Here’s what we released over the last month: Demon: The Descent’s Demon Storytellers Guide in advance PDF Exalted’s Tales from the Age of Sorrows in ebook and print-on-demand Chronicles of Darkness Condition, Numina, and Dread Power Cards in advance PDF Werewolf: The Forsaken 2e Condition Cards in advance PDF Scarred Lands’ Gauntlet of Spiragos Adventure for … Read more

Now Available: Gauntlet of Spiragos 5e

Now that Wizards of the Coast has announced the 5e OGL, we’re delighted to present the 5e version of our free Gauntlet of Spiragos adventure! For centuries, titans bestrode the world, colossal heads and shoulders lost in the clouds, carelessly smashing and crushing all beneath. When the youngest of them had enough and declared war … Read more