My Body Is A Cage (Silver Ladder) [Mage: The Awakening]

First, some Peter Gabriel. The end is approaching. Not global Ascension, but of these Open Development posts – we have only two more of these posts to go. Game’s nearly out of Development and into Editing, the playtest groups are beavering away, and my Development “to-do” list now fits on one page. What to say … Read more

Endless Wonder (Mysterium) [Mage: The Awakening]

(Warehouse 13, property of SyFy) Welcome back, faithful readers, to another in the pre-GenCon Order writeups. This time, we’re looking at the Mysterium. If the Guardians, early in Mage‘s gameline, showed what the Orders could be like when expanded upon, the Mysterium were the first Order I really “got,” as I one of my players had a Mystagogue … Read more

[Demon]Storyteller’s Guide

I haven’t talked about Demon for a while, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been on my mind. Originally Rose was going to develop the Demon Storyteller’s Guide, but scheduling issues and so forth meant that it landed with me instead. She did the initial outlining, and I hired authors (including some folks who responded to the … Read more

A Beautiful Crime (Guardians of the Veil) [Mage: The Awakening]

Welcome back, faithful readers! Continuing our pre-GenCon run through of the second edition Orders, it’s time for the Guardians of the Veil. First, some music from Tamer   What to say about the Guardians? More than any other Order (except maybe the Seers) they were most clarified and improved by their Order book, so readers jumping … Read more

We Can Make The World Stop (Adamantine Arrow) [Mage: The Awakening]

Welcome back, faithful readers! I knew we’d be over-subscribed for the playtest, but not that I’d be disappointing quite so many people. To try to make up for it, spoilers will continue until morale improves. First, some music with a very appropriate video, courtesy of the Glitch Mob. A looooooong time ago on this blog, … Read more