Scion Bundle of Holding

We’ve partnered with Bundle of Holding to offer Scion material at a discounted price. Now you can own a great game and donate to charity at the same time! You can check out the details on the Bundle of Holding site.


Beating the Orders out by a nose, Paths won the vote. Like I said last week, we’re not voting on next week’s topic – I’ll be at GenCon, so I’m going to prewrite a guide to Awakening’s inspirational media and publish it on Wednesday whenever I get within range of the internet on my very, … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Daimonion

Been down periscope a bit. I’m getting art notes in, changing the orders of things, and filling out some word count I didn’t know we’d have. In the mean time, I wanted to show off our version of Daimonion, the signature Baali Discipline. Our own Neall Raemonn Price did levels 1-5, and the Hell Born … Read more

Hunter and Demon Anthologies for $0.99!

PDFs for Demon: The Fallen’s Lucifer’s Shadow: Tales of Fallen Angels and Hunter: The Reckoning’s Inherit the Earth are on sale for $0.99 each until Saturday, August 16th! Inherit the Earth Taking Back the Night Unknown to most humans, the world is largely ruled and directed by supernatural forces they do not even suspect.  Werewolves once herded humans … Read more

Be Accursed: The Followers of Set

One more chapter for Lore of the Clans before we get ready for Gen Con! Today I have the Followers of Set, written by Joshua Doetsch. Here’s the link to the Google Doc: Edit: Link removed now that open development is closed. Thank you! Joshua’s a couple thousand words under (mainly in the mechanics section), so he has … Read more

Dropped Like a Stone

Way back in 2010, I wrote some additional material for The Danse Macabre. Owing to a lack of resources at CCP, this detective story campaign frame went unpublished. Somebody mentioned it on the forums recently, and I decided to go digging. This is what I found. Dropped Like a Stone Everybody loved Georgia Stone. You’re not supposed to … Read more

V20 Dark Ages: Serpentis

Hi everyone! Happy Thursday. I’ve been down periscope a bit. I’m doing some last-minute tweaks to the text before I send it over to layout. This is something I wanted to share to you a bit, partly because I did it myself and it’s good to get feedback, and partly because it shows off a … Read more

A lever and a firm place to stand

Welcome back to our tour of Awakening‘s Fallen World Chronicle. To the list of fora I’m now monitoring, we can add Penny Arcade’s tabletop roleplaying game thread. Hello everyone over there! So. What’s a “Yantra,” then? Put simply, when we were designing Fallen World Chronicle, wedecided to organize the spellcasting rules — every form of … Read more

New Release: Heirs to Hell

Heirs to Hell, created as a stretch goal for the Demon: The Descent Kickstarter, is now available in PDF and print on DriveThruRPG! When an angel Falls, she defects to the human race, and takes on everything that comes with that choice. All of the joy and heartbreak of humanity are hers, and that includes … Read more