Hurt Locker: Psychic Vampires

Hey everybody. I’m wrapping up work on Hurt Locker, just about to send it to editing (probably later this week, or this weekend). Last week, I shared two pretty specific template character types, one based on strange luck, and one based on radical pacifism. This week, I’m sharing a much more general template, one for … Read more

Release Roundup: December 2015

We managed to squeak a bunch of books through just before the end of the year! V20 Lore of the Clans, a new all-in-one clanbook for the V20 line, covering all 13 clans. M20 How Do You DO That?, a practical guide to Sphere magick Chronicles of Darkness: Revised Storytelling System Rulebook is definitely the big … Read more

Hunter 2E Open Dev: Tier Two Compacts and Globalization

Last time, I kicked off Hunter the Vigil 2E featuring the Slasher Chronicle’s Open Dev by diving into Ashwood Abbey and how this compact might be presented in the 2nd Edition corebook in my post titled Slashers and Ashwood Abbey. First and foremost, I want to thank everybody for commenting and participating in the discussion … Read more

Now Available: How Do You DO That?

Squeezing in one last release for 2015, Mage20’s How Do You DO That? is now available in PDF and print-on-demand via DriveThruRPG! A Practical Guide Mage: The Ascension’s flexible and ambitious Sphere system has provided many questions and debates for over 20 years. Here, now, in this book, we answer the eternal question How Do You DO … Read more

Hurt Locker: More Templates

Hey all, It’s been a while. I’ve been away. Been busy. Been dealing with things. All that. Anyway, I’m just about to wrap on Hurt Locker, and Changeling: The Lost – Second Edition. I’m basically in the phase of Hurt Locker where I’m knitting drafts together, filling in blanks, applying some notes from my play testers, and … Read more