Turn Yourself Inside Out: The Malkavians

FOR LATECOMERS, OPEN DEVELOPMENT ON THIS CLAN IS NOW CLOSED. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COMMENTS! Next on the open development tour for Lore of the Clans is Clan Malkavian, written by Rob Wieland. The link to the Google Doc containing his material is here: Edit: Link removed now that open development is closed. Thank you! Rob’s … Read more

Christmas in July!

Another July comes to a close, which means another Christmas in July sale! Hundreds of PDFs are 25% off across the DriveThru sites, including plenty of White Wolf’s. The sale lasts until July 29. SO MANY THINGS! DriveThruComics UDON’s Exalted comics Moonstone’s Vampire and Werewolf comics DriveThruFiction Onyx Path’s Rites of Renown 30+ White Wolf … Read more

Swallow Darkness: The Lasombra


Welcome to the start of open development for Lore of the Clans! First up, we have Clan Lasombra, written by Andrew Peregrine. The link to the Google Doc containing his material is here:

Edit: Link removed now that open development is closed. Thank you!

Andrew’s only a few hundred words over, which is fine — that’s more or less on target. However, it means if I want him to add something, I’ll have to cut something else. I have some ideas on how that will go, but I’m curious to see if your comments reinforce my instincts, or point in a different direction.

Edit: Doing some math, I realized that if I want to get them all wrapped up before Gen Con, I need to keep these open for a limited time. So I’ll close comments on each Clan a week after I put it up, which means I’ll be closing comments on the Lasombra some time on Friday, July 25th. I’ll put a big note on the document when I close it so it’s clear.

A few things to keep in mind (and I’ll be repeating these points a lot):

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I’ll Lie To You

With 71 votes, the Lie won out. So, picking up from where we left off; The universe isn’t only the Supernal, defining concepts, and the Fallen, embodying them. When mages use their Sight, they frequently see signs of corruption, warped or nonsensical symbols infecting the world. If the symbols of the Supernal Realms represent everything … Read more

Including All and Sundry

Above, you’ll see the cover to the Flowers of Hell: The Demons Players Guide by one of my favorite nWoD artists, Cathy Wilkins. The fact that when we first started working together it was a lot rarer for women to be illustrators in RPGs than now, leads me to this week’s blog. I mentioned last … Read more

Now Available: Mage20 Quickstart

Now available in PDF and print on DriveThruRPG: This introduction to Mage 20th Anniversary Edition includes a summary of the setting and basic rules. This Quickstart also features descriptions, stats, and story-hooks for playing an unlikely pack of mages: theBridge Troll Cabal, a “family” of gutter mystics whose life in the underside of Seattle contrasts with the … Read more