Changing Breeds

As we wait for Rich to finalize details of the Werewolf20 Kickstarter, it’s time to look to the future. As those of you who’ve read the release schedule are no doubt aware, Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition is just the start. In addition to the Skinner SAS, we’ve got three new books in the … Read more

The Agony of an Invisible Audience

Let’s put something out on the table. A little confession, if you will. The SAS is the hardest thing I have ever written. I’m not saying this to complain, mind. A challenge is a good thing. It makes you fiercer. But of all the things I’ve ever written, writing a story that someone else is … Read more

Labor Day +1

Our friend Eddy continues to be out, but he’s doing a lot better with the aftereffects of his ear operation, and we’ve even started sending files back and forth again. Inner ear issues: not fun. So here is a brief smattering of where things stand with our projects- an update with little movement, but so’s … Read more

WTF Is Happening With Vampire, You Slack Bastard?

It’s ben a while since I’ve blogged about what’s happening with Vampire, you know. Sorry about that. So, in an attempt to rectify the information flow as we’re just under a month outside Atlanta by Night, here’s where some things stand. V20 Companion After many long months, people are receiving their prestige print copies of … Read more

Now in Print for August 29

These books are all newly-available via DriveThruRPG’s Now in Print program! Classic World of Darkness VTM: Vampire Players Guide available for the first time! VTM: Time of Thin Blood WTA: With Fang and Claw: The Rage Strategy Guide available for the first time! WTA: Croatan Song WTA: Project Twilight WTO: Guildbook: Haunters HTR: Hunter Book: Avenger World … Read more

A Link and a Question

Apologies for it being so long between updates. Actually, there’s not much to show in development right now: Werewolf is moving from editing to layout, so it’s been quiet on my side. Right now I’m devoting most of my time to working on the Skinner SAS and waiting with dread for layout to move to … Read more

Is Eddy ‘ere?

Hopefully, as I write this, our good friend Eddy Webb is recovering from his ear operation and everything went well. Knowing him, he’ll be tweeting his status as you read this. But with Eddy away, I’m taking over the Monday Lunch Meeting blogs, Mwa Ha Ha Ha! But without Eddy, there’s not much real conversation … Read more

Videos from GenCon now available

Videos are up for the four GenCon Onyx Path seminars. All four take the recorded audio and combine them with either available PowerPoint presentations (in the case of Friday’s seminars) or art loop slideshows (in the case of Saturday’s seminars). What’s up with White Wolf talks about the state of White Wolf, drops the first hint … Read more

Audio from GenCon now online

Audio from our GenCon panels are now available online. What’s Up with White Wolf What is the Onyx Path? Mummy: The Curse Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition Video versions (the above audio plus PowerPoints) will be available shortly.